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  1. xAzatothx

    Yoku's Island Express

    team 17 - as in Project-X on the Amiga???:cool:
  2. xAzatothx

    Official Announcement.

    This feels like the beginning of the end for TPA. Gutted we won’t see a refresh of season 1 tables. I do worry about what happens if FS close up shop - will the app and tables still be playable in years to come :confused:
  3. xAzatothx

    It’s the end of seasons on the pinball arcade

    I'd love to see them redo Season 1. I'd happily pay for a season pass for Season 1(updated).
  4. xAzatothx

    It’s the end of seasons on the pinball arcade

    I doubt the business model can/will change. I would have thought they are going to concentrate on other projects and have a skeleton team looking after Pinball Arcade doing the occasional release. I'd be surprised if we saw any change to quality or bug fixes - just longer release cycles.
  5. xAzatothx

    Banzai Run

    Hmm yes good point ��. It’s been a long time since I played IRL.
  6. xAzatothx

    Banzai Run

    Had a quick go on iOS. The ball on top play field had the super gravity bug, Totally unplayable.
  7. xAzatothx

    ...I have a hard time playing Pinball Arcade after Zen Pinball.

    Zen tables look nice - but I've never been able to get into them. I much prefer the tables and physics on TPA (not withstanding the bugs). Personal preference - so play what ever makes you happy.
  8. xAzatothx

    Your impressions of GB

    had a few games on steam via free table play. Performance is OK on my laptop, but the flow of the table is frustratingly slow. start a game and it takes too long before you can plunge the ball. the cut scenes take for ever - totally destroys flow of the game. is this per play on a real...
  9. xAzatothx

    Your impressions of GB

    Thanks for the info
  10. xAzatothx

    Your impressions of GB

    I'm on Steam, should I buy it within TPA or within Stern app for best experience? Or does it not matter - read some reports about performance.....thanks
  11. xAzatothx

    Colin Furz Pinball full version to come I guess.
  12. xAzatothx

    World Champion Soccer now available on Steam

    It beggars belief that a company would release a product that you can't purchase!!! Bonkers.
  13. xAzatothx

    BlahCade 94: Bit Rot and Bug Fixes

    I'd be willing to pay for them redoing season 1.
  14. xAzatothx

    No SPA update for my Nexus 7 2013!

    thanks Flippy. I'd not even tried SPA on my tablet to be honest, stuck with Steam for SPA and TPA. And just TPA on the tablet for which I'm on the beta programme.
  15. xAzatothx

    No SPA update for my Nexus 7 2013!

    It's not available for my Nexus 7 2012 :) It is 1GB though. TPA plays fine on it but I'm not on the SPA beta.
  16. xAzatothx

    First Reactions

    I believe this is how the ROM behaves. At least your true score appears on the leaderboard.
  17. xAzatothx

    First Reactions

    Best table since MM for me :)
  18. xAzatothx

    Month Off

    I would love for them to fix all the outstanding issues or redo season 1 :) but personally I think they have contractual obligations with Stern that need addressing and prioritising.
  19. xAzatothx

    Month Off

    I suspect Stern have been kicking their asses.
  20. xAzatothx

    Month Off

    as per the news letter................. "We will be taking one month off before the start of Season Seven to do some improvements to the game."

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