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  1. brakel

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Certain considerations will be made if said person looks like Zoe Deschanel.
  2. brakel

    Season 3 PS4

    Later, dude.
  3. brakel

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    No one's going to play with my black hole.
  4. brakel

    Request PS4: Better physics and/or graphics vs 3D capability.

    Yes, but in the same way that the PS3 was firmware patched from HDMI 1.3 to HDMI 1.4b, could the PS4 be firmware patched from HDMI 1.4b to 2.0? Also considering that HDMI 2.0 is not a minimum requirement protocol but rather a collection of optional features, perhaps the PS4 would be capable of...
  5. brakel

    PS4 NA v1.02 Master Bug List

    In the next patch according to their fb posts.
  6. brakel

    Request General Game Polish

    If you're ever in the Chicago area SYT, let me know. I'd like to meet you to play some pinball around the city. Besides you annoyingly saying what I'm about to say, I think we'd have a good time. :D
  7. brakel

    Is there or is there not a reasonable chance to get The Addams Family?

    It has never been released in the US on BD even after a 2013 release was announced in 2012. Whatever happened to the US BD release might be related to license issues or it could be that the studio decided there wasn't as big of a demand as they thought. To kinggo's point, it is not necessary...
  8. brakel

    Is there or is there not a reasonable chance to get The Addams Family?

    There was one interview with Merel Poloway a bit after Raul's death that I recall in particular . It was right after some Pink Panther work was done with extra footage of Peter Sellers after Peter Sellers' death. They cobbled together this found footage with old voice work of Peter along with...
  9. brakel

    Request PS4: Better physics and/or graphics vs 3D capability.

    I'm wondering if the PS4 will be able to be updated to HDMI 2.0 with a firmware update. The PS3 was able to be updated from 1.3 to 1.4b through firmware. Also considering that HDMI 2.0 isn't a minimum spec but rather a collection of optional features, they might be able to update for some 2.0...
  10. brakel

    Question regarding new hard drive for PS3 and TPA

    Um, no. Flash drives of that size are still way more expensive than traditional hard drives. They wouldn't fit with Sony's desire to reduce the cost of the PS3.
  11. brakel

    How some people can achieve such ridiculous scores?

    Wouldn't slightly above a legitimate score also be a legitimate score?
  12. brakel

    Season 3 PS4

    Everything's more expensive when you live on an island. :D
  13. brakel

    PS4 Trophys

    So, next question. Is Mike Lindsey still working at FarSight?
  14. brakel

    When are we getting the new UI!?

    No one knows except for FarSight about the details of the T2 license and they aren't talking.
  15. brakel

    Speculation: PlayStation 4 May Account for >50% of entire PBA userbase

    I would bet that most people who buy the tables are unaware of the release schedule. They just see that there are more tables available and then buy them. Most people don't have enough time to be that invested in everything that they do.
  16. brakel

    PS4 Trophys

    There's no reason to think that anyone from FarSight that would make a decision about trophies read that thread. No one from FarSight posted in that thread. I believe that those in charge at FarSight believed that the existing architecture of the game was fine and didn't need restructuring.
  17. brakel

    PS4 Trophys

    I don't think it ever occurred to FarSight to restructure the trophies for the PS4 version.
  18. brakel

    The PS3 "super patch"

    A lot of people won't click on a video link though if they don't know what it is.
  19. brakel

    The PS3 "super patch"

    It could also be that some reps are better at greasing the wheels than others. Probably some are good and proud of the work that they do and others are just going through the motions.
  20. brakel

    How some people can achieve such ridiculous scores?

    Many people call that a dead flipper pass. Very helpful non-skill to have. When you're first learning it you may find it actually hard to do nothing!

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