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  1. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    The email you got from Kickstarter when you first pledged will tell you exactly when your card will be charged
  2. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Lettuce. Kickstarter uses Amazon payments. So I think you need to update payment info on Amazon
  3. Jamman39

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #4 - Premium Licensed (Closed)

    Judge Dredd being excluded from the list means the licenses are relatively cheap then? Does this mean I have reason to be hopeful for it?
  4. Jamman39

    What Tables Does TPA Still Need Before It Can Truly Be Definitive?

    For me it won't be even close to finished until they make Judge Dredd
  5. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    "We won’t name the table, but believe you can figure it out :-)" sounds mysterious... And spooky
  6. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Guys and gals. There are only eleven $400 'all future beta' spots left. If you don't get one soon you may never have the opportunity again. How cool would it be to get to test and play the tables before everybody else?
  7. Jamman39

    Pinball magazine, Thank you!

    What do you mean '2 numbers a year'?
  8. Jamman39

    New Interview w/Bobby King (

    Thanks Bowflex. That's a good start, but I still don't think I'm interested unless the table is made by a great designer outside of Farsight. The other issue is, as much as it sucks to admit, reality is pinball arcade won't be around forever and every table we want won't get digitized. At the...
  9. Jamman39

    New Interview w/Bobby King (

    I'm very skeptical about the idea, but a scenario that had Farsight creating 'blue sky' tables with real, experienced designers would be interesting. The caveat is that I do not want to see them take Zen on at their own game. The table would have to be possible and plausible in real life
  10. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    I actually found that to beige worrying than interesting. Maybe it's just 'get off my lawn' but I'm not sure this is a direction I want the pinball arcade to go.
  11. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    That was me, I tweeted and asked him to do it. He's a really nice guy and a big PA fan
  12. Jamman39

    Farsight Deserves Insane Amounts Of Credit For Engine Improvements

    Props to you, for giving props to them! The PA season pass is the only video game season pass I never regretted buying. For this very reason
  13. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    @Sotie I can't wait to hear people's impressions of being a Beta tester. Be sure to let us know how cool it is! I'd consider it myself but I just bought a new house and can't spend 400 on pinball at the moment.
  14. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Great idea. I already have the season 1 pass ($30) the pro version is ($40) I would pledge $20 for the upgrade
  15. Jamman39

    Rumor: Microsoft allowing indies to self-publish

    The article states that teams bigger than one or two devs wouldn't be able to self publish still. Farsight would be too big
  16. Jamman39

    Table Pack #17 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Confirmed!

    And bacon Certainly, if your playing on multiple platforms I wouldn't suggest buying every table for every platform. I don't buy every iOS table (if for no other reason than that I can't nudge) but half of the fun of pinball arcade is discovery. Either finding new tables you didn't know you...
  17. Jamman39

    Table Pack #17 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Confirmed!

    I'm not sure I understand the 'skip a pack' mentality. Can anyone actually name any two tables that aren't with $5? If you have financial difficulties that's one thing but I just can't imagine passing on the chance to get free play on ANY two machines for less than the cost of a value meal at...
  18. Jamman39

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Good idea Bowflex if I win the powerball expect to see Farsight get the Judge Dredd license shortly afterwards
  19. Jamman39

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #3 - Bally (Closed)

    I would love Judge Dredd. Safe Cracker seems really interesting too

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