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  1. DopedToInfinity

    DLC Acheivements not Giving Gamerscore

    I was on the fence when it came to this whole "Farsight vs MS" thing, but I'm starting to think that Farsight has been stuck with a real dumbass of a MS rep. This is all on Microsoft, they can't seem to get their **** straight and in order before they launch a product?
  2. DopedToInfinity

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    Yup, working again! Chin-up Worf, drink the blood soup and enjoy MM once again ;)
  3. DopedToInfinity

    Request Any Info?

    I sold my 3DS a few months ago, I ran out of good games to play on it, needed cash, and I'd recently got an iPad 2. Being 31 I feel less childish playing TPA in the pub on an iPad than I would playing a 3DS. :D I might have kept it if PHOF was released in the UK before I sold it though....
  4. DopedToInfinity

    Back up your scores/goals

    I backed up all the pba.dat files in the private documents folder, deleted TPA, re-installed and copied all the pba.dat files back (multiple ones since the game center update), and all my scores and goals were gone. This method used to work fine when there was only one pba.dat, but not so much...
  5. DopedToInfinity

    UK Pinball Party next weekend

    I made my way down from Derby to Brighton 5 years ago, and I got jack **** pinball!!! :D
  6. DopedToInfinity

    Crystal Caliburn for iOS is getting closer (now out)

    I find this too, with re-creations of REAL tables, virtual ones just don't do it for me anymore. They did keep me going for years until TPA was released though :)
  7. DopedToInfinity

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    Tried a clean install & no luck with the MM lights for me. Ipad 2 5.1.1
  8. DopedToInfinity

    360 - Bug Funhouse. 464m. Ball one. No balls inplay or by plunger. Call attendant not working.

    Cheers Mike, I did notice the scores and info display while I was cradling the ball. Looking forward to the new tables and thanks for keeping us in the loop. Your insider knowledge is appreciated :)
  9. DopedToInfinity

    360 - Bug Funhouse. 464m. Ball one. No balls inplay or by plunger. Call attendant not working.

    While watching the PAPA tutorial I saw the ball search kick in after a minute oF inactivity, but I cradled the ball for over 3 minutes on iPad 2 iOS 5.1.1 with no ball search. I believe this table is scripted (very well I might add!) but it is still scripted. No ball search, overlapping music...
  10. DopedToInfinity

    MM overrated?

    I never saw this table in real life, but I love it. If I play it after work (I usually get in around 1am) I suck. If I play it when I'm well rested on a day off I do a lot better. I just dig the "flow" of this table. I love the way on the Xbox the ball can move like something off a stick...
  11. DopedToInfinity

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    Nice work, are the lights working yet?
  12. DopedToInfinity

    Bug Right flipper post transfer

    I've nailed the right flipper post transfer now, but it isn't as easy as other tables. I was watching the guy on the PAPA tutorial struggle to pull it off so +1 for authenticity!
  13. DopedToInfinity

    What's your "dream pack"?

    I was never a big fan of LOTR or Pirates tables IRL, but I'd gladly donate to see any table make it to TPA which would be too costly otherwise. I have a soft spot for TZ & TNG as my parents paid me off at the pub to play them before I was old enough to drink booze, but I want to see as many good...
  14. DopedToInfinity

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    I've got to admit I didn't really check the flipper distance, they still seemed kind of wide :( I only tried MM, are there any improvements on the other tables? With regard to MM - bummer...
  15. DopedToInfinity

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    After reading your post I deleted my MM table in ifile and re- downloaded it. The file name still has it at v2, and the flipper gap doesn't seem to be fixed, but none of the table lights work now, including the sword/shield bonus multiplier lights. Edit: The flashers on the back wall behind the...
  16. DopedToInfinity

    360 - Bug Slowdown on head changes

    It doesn't bother me, it looks more jittery & mechanical like I would imagine a real motor turning the head would look like.
  17. DopedToInfinity

    What's your "dream pack"?

    That's easy! Whitewater & Fish Tales :D In the 90's it seemed that almost every arcade in the UK had one or both of those tables. They were very popular, and would be a great nostalgia trip for me.
  18. DopedToInfinity

    Thanks Farsight for all your hard work!

    Bugs, problems, etc, TPA is awesome & cannot be beaten for value. 2 tables on IOS for £3? thats cheaper then 10 cigarettes, and less than a pint of lager! 2 tables on Xbox is about £2.50 shy of 20 cigarettes. Is much as I moan about bugs, when comparing the price to real-world things (booze...
  19. DopedToInfinity

    Tomy Astro Shooter Pinball

    I had one similar to the atomic pinball when I was about 7. I think it might have been slightly different being in the UK. I remember it had white casing. I used to love it, but when it comes to pinball it would be something I'd play once now and forget. That was a great birthday / Xmas though :)

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