respecto - I really suck at this table. Find the out lanes total drain monsters. Can't get a decent duration on this table at all. Can't hit the cannon shot either - which means max 2 ships sunk so far :(
whilst I really hope this happens, we have to be patient with the good will of FS. After all I can't expect Ford to update my 10 year old car with all the new features in their 2014 car :)
agreed you can get some high scores playing in slow motion - BUT you need the patience of a saint. Far more than I've got.
It's a shame TPA doesn't auto configure to ensure consistent frame rate for everyone.
guess he is talking about the right orbit loop - when the ball comes out of the loop it comes out at a funny angle and goes SDTM. Believe this has been fixed on other platforms, but was raised way back on the original beta.
shame .... most of the tables I want seem out of reach. We either need a Rich investor/sponsor or another company with huge reserves of cash to take over TPA.
no mention of Indy 500
enjoying playing TPA in portrait mode on laptop with wireless xbox controller. As above very much like playing on my xbox, except I get the nice portrait mode (like on tablet). I thought it would improve my play but I've not found any difference with scores :(
Gotta say though, swapping the...
only ever been to one pinball competition in real life. One of the tables I played was Indy 500 (first time I'd played machine). Clear in my memory as managed over 1 billion which is pretty good for first go. Loved the table and theme.
I know there is a licensing issue but what are odds on...
i turned ball reflection off in the config settings panel. OK doesn't look amazing but you soon get used to it. Performance on my system is now flawless with PostProcessing on and AA off. Plays well in portrait (seems to tax processor more on my system). With ball reflection on and PP...
you have your index fingers on the bumpers. Left thumb on the left stick for nudging. Right thumb used to launch the ball.
I recently started to use my xbox controller with my PC and TPA (steam) in portrait. Very good but need to practice as got used to playing on android tablet where...
had a bash on Steam version of Zen at the weekend now that I can play in portrait and with xbox wireless controller. Quite enjoyed it. Presentation and polish better than TPA but prefer the physics and game play in TPA.
Only played the free Sorcerer table at the moment but interested in the...
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