Yes get video! Who cares who is playing, just say "I'm gonna get a video of this for ________ (insert cool website like reddit, fark, tmz...). It will be a top news story." Then take the video.
The yankees look like they may be in trouble next season, at least in rebuild mode. The A Rod thing, Jeter's old and wore out, Cano might go, they have problems up and down the lineup. The Red Sox are in beast mode, Orioles are strong as well so that makes it tough too.
Was really hoping Pirates would have gotten by the Cards. Sort of disappointed with the remaining teams, guess I have to go with the Tigers or LA. Definitely don't want to see Red Sox or Cards win.
Yep that's them classy Red Sox fans for ya.....
Got em! Only had time to play Return of the Jedi, and it's cool! So much to do, and typical Zen, a game can last forever. This table has a little nudge game in the left outlane a la Wizard of Oz, so that's neat.
I'm gonna try out the Starfighter one next. It looks simpler than Return of the Jedi.
hey that's cool, I'm probably one of the odd ones anyway because I happen to like all the tables (except goin nuts), both in reality and TPA. I also love Dr Dude and Jive Time, so that should tell you something.
Ok that's kinda what I figured people were doing, voting on how much they liked the table in general. I think it might help to make it clear on what we are actually voting on, because I voted on how accurate and well done the recreation was, not how much I personally like the table or theme...
Voted! I'm just worried that people are voting based on how much they like the real table or theme, and not on how well TPA pulls off the translation of the virtual table. Because Medieval Madness being number 1, and it has had a flipper gap problem that is way off from the original and problems...
What does mip mapping do? I just noticed it in the options and experimented with it on and off for several tables, with mixed results.
I'm using samsung galaxy s (sch-i405) , yes I need a new phone.
I noticed that with mip mapping OFF it looks more grainy, a sort of over sharpness effect...
That's is extremely irrational...nearly blasphemous to call out Gorgar and Centaur. These are both legendary tables, every aspect the epitome of classic pinball awesomeness.
Chalk up another for video modes. I don't mind dmd's, backglass activity, full videos on the backglass ala Wizard of Oz, live dogs playing poker, or whatever....but I just can't stand stopping the pinball action to play a video game. It's silly.
Another thing is the jump rope in Champion Pub...
I have a buddy who did that, but the lag made it impossible to play any games accurately. He might have been doing something wrong though.
Maybe this will help with the wonkiness: When playing TPA (portrait mode, of course), I hold with my left hand normally, and use my left thumb for the left...
Only bad thing about Haunted multiball. :(
but it love it!
I just remembered there was a multiball mod or something for this, I have never seen it though.
To all those ripping Jive Time, I'd like to hear what don't you like about it as compared with other EM's around the same time? I'm talking about the real machine, not the PHOF treatment. I have a feeling you are basing your opinions on the PHOF treatment and not the potential of a new TPA...
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