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  1. D

    Visual Pinball

    Well worth the $10 a year to support it.
  2. D

    T2 this Friday (8/16/2013)?

    I vote ,no chance in hell, it comes out this week.
  3. D

    First Pac-Man game comes over to Steam...

    I had a Magnavox Odyssey. Had the ColecoVision too. First time a decent Donkey Kong was released was on ColecoVision. ColecoVision had some decent recreations. Used to play he hell out of Ladybug. Sort of like a pacman game.
  4. D

    Hey Farsight, Take a Break!

    "i think with most of their die hard community now on season passes it doesn't make sense to say they need to release a pack every month to keep the doors open." Yeah, that would go over real well. I paid for my pack this month already. WHERE IS IT?!!! I can see it already.
  5. D

    First Pac-Man game comes over to Steam...

    Missle Command was decent, and Activision made some decent games for the time. Donkey Kong was another stinker on 2600. I remember dreaming of days like we have today. That we would be able to play arcade quality games at home. The arcade is definitely home now
  6. D

    First Pac-Man game comes over to Steam...

    Old school joke. If you get it, unfortunately the joke is on you. Probably still painful too. Actually one game that I returned to Sears after opening it and being utterly disappointed with it. I can still hear the awful game sounds in my head.
  7. D

    First Pac-Man game comes over to Steam...

    Not buying it. I will stick with my PacMan from Atari 2600. The one and only true version.
  8. D

    I could use some help folks!

    What's facebook?
  9. D

    Visual Pinball

    Sotie, could you send that rar file over to me too. ;)
  10. D

    Oculus Rift Support??

    Make it so.
  11. D

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    Wow. That is sweet. Going to have to try and hook that up on the cabinet. Wonder how hard it would be to implement something like that in TPA. That would be incredible. They said they wanted to have 3D support, something like this might even be better. Thanks, wasn't aware of BAM.
  12. D

    Pinball FX2 is coming to Steam on May 10th!

    Wish I liked Zen. Would add a lot more tables to the mix. Just can't get into it. I have tried multiple times.
  13. D

    Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

    On a Saturday? Doubt it. Probably will be Monday or early next week.
  14. D

    Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

    Its all good. :)
  15. D

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    For cabinet I would settle for just one. Static, make it look and play as much like a real table as they can.
  16. D

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    My thoughts exactly. I will check out the demos but I will not buy any packs until portrait mode is implemented. Then all of them.
  17. D

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    I think they should try to implement it one table or pack at a time instead of trying to do them all at once. Start at the newest and work their way back, or the original order they were released.
  18. D

    Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

    A sub forum has popped up for PC. :)
  19. D

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    7-17-2013 Maybe that was a little ambitious.
  20. D

    Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

    I had to check to see who posted this. Thought I might have been sleep posting or something. Zen sucks dude . Don't take it out on yourself with Zen. Chill a few more days.

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