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  1. Citizen

    The Random Thought Thread

    Have a St. Paul sandwich.
  2. Citizen

    The Random Thought Thread

    Biregional, they're scattershot in some Southern and Midwestern states. The founder was Colonel Sanders' nephew.
  3. Citizen

    Owned tables showing as unowned

    Appreciate the suggestion, but it's not that. I tried all of the common resolutions like that, restoring licenses, redownloading the app, looking for items marked 'Free' to "buy" on PSN. This is some other weird issue. Someone from FarSight started looking into it on Friday, just waiting for...
  4. Citizen

    The Random Thought Thread

    I don't like Buffalo/hot wings. But I did have some Lee's Famous Recipe chicken tenders. Best fried chicken breast tenders you're gonna find.
  5. Citizen

    Owned tables showing as unowned

    Hope you get it resolved. I don't know anything about the iOS version, but you guys aren't alone. I'm currently working on resolving the exact same sort of issue with PSN content I've purchased. I think anyone who owns non-Steam versions is in for headaches in the future.
  6. Citizen

    Which Williams/Bally packs should I buy?

    Fish Tales, Dracula and Eight Ball Deluxe are all obligatory, for me. Then I'd suggest a 2-pack. Either Monster Bash/Gorgar, Cirqus Voltaire/Funhouse, or White Water/Space Shuttle. My preference would be for MB/Gorgar. Although I've noticed you've mentioned an interest in Xenon a couple of...
  7. Citizen

    Bugs, Glitches, and General Issues [PS VITA]

    Tom Devaney So is there any chance of Al's Garage Band not playing in slow motion on Vita?
  8. Citizen

    Maybe it's time to move on

    I don't think backwards compatability matters, does it? Even if PS5 and XB4 have bc with digital PS4/XBO purchases, and even if a person had purchased the WMS games on PS4/XBO, wouldn't making them available to download onto a PS5/XB4, even if it's just the PS4/XBO versions, and even if it was...
  9. Citizen

    Farsight employees: What Bally/Williams tables WERE you working on?

    I'm pretty sure Matt meant Granny and the Gators. They could always do the much less interesting Stern one.
  10. Citizen

    The On-Going "What has FarSight said about ___ table?" List Thread

    Probably the same people who used to talk about how good Cactus Jack's is online until it got added.
  11. Citizen

    *2018* Top Ten Most Wanted Tables - STERN (2000-2009)

    Soon. First they have to finish converting the Aaron Spelling table as their next Data East addition.
  12. Citizen

    WMS License - Speculation Thread

    Same reason no one will ever digitize Game Plan tables. No one knows who, if anyone, still owns them. Well, that and probably general lack of interest in them. But it still makes me sad.
  13. Citizen

    Zaccaria Digital Pinball - Facebook news release

    Good news. Glad to hear the Switch version is getting the remakes, I was wondering about that. Hopefully that also means it's getting the Age of Pinball tables.
  14. Citizen

    The On-Going "What has FarSight said about ___ table?" List Thread

    It's amazing how many of the tables we got were ones that FarSight felt had little to no chance of being added.
  15. Citizen

    BlahCade Pinball Podcast Episodes (128 and higher)

    In regards to the mobile version of Zaccaria, about 4 months ago, someone on their Facebook page asked them why they don't update it, and this was their reply: Just figured I'd toss that out there, not sure how many people actually saw it.
  16. Citizen

    *New for 2018* Top Ten Most Wanted Tables - GOTTLIEB/PREMIER (SS NON-LICENSED)

    I think part of the stigma against Premier tables, at least among TPA communities, also stems from the fact that many of the Premier additions they saddled us with were ones that few people were really asking for. LCA, Bone Busters, Victory and City of Gold probably being the biggest offenders...

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