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  1. superballs

    High Speed impressions

    I seem to have multiquoted out of order. But i agree that this is a pretty harsh critique of a wonderfully digitized table. This post makes no sense. 1) If you had not seen the High Speed II portion of The Getaway, how could you have ever mistaken a game obviously titled HIGH SPEED...
  2. superballs

    Table Pack #26 speculation

    I don't think his legacy will be very tainted unless you play TPA.
  3. superballs

    The Pinball Arcade Is On Its Way To The Windows 8 Marketplace!!!

    I'm usually a lot less nice to people in person on this topic than one would think I am based on how much of a gentleman I am here Mr. Sean :)
  4. superballs

    Pro Pinball

    I don't doubt that the end product is going to be phenomenal.
  5. superballs

    High Speed impressions

    For my real post, since the Android beta is open to everyone who has an Android device, My first impressions are good. I really enjoy the look and feel of the table, it's challenging, sometimes brutal but overall manageable. Good callouts, good speed, bounces and tuning make sense to me. Of...
  6. superballs

    High Speed impressions

    With cryptic clues like that you might be the next Farsight Employee.
  7. superballs

    1st time desktop buyer....please help me!!

    Gooch, I know you just spent a wad on your pc, but my recommendation would be to pick yourself up a 24" 1080p monitor. Now I know it's not going to be the monster sized screen you currently enjoy, but the smaller screen combined with the higher resolution (and the possibility to dedicate this...
  8. superballs

    The Pinball Arcade Is On Its Way To The Windows 8 Marketplace!!!

    Saying a Mac isn't a PC would be like saying a Linux based PC isn't a PC so essentially the Steam version really is a PC version no matter how you slice it.
  9. superballs

    Table Pack #26 speculation

    Ok, here's the deal, Raul Julia's family refuses to license his likeness at his request. Basically before he died there were dirt devil commercials that showed Fred Astaire dancing with a vacuum cleaner and he didn't want his legacy to have anything to do with such a thing. It's a realistic...
  10. superballs

    High Speed Beta

    IRL = in real life IIRC = if I recall/remember correctly
  11. superballs

    You think we'll ever be able to do a tap pass?

    That's not exactly what I said though. What I said is that the flippers in TPA don't accelerate on a bell curve. It's instant full power. It doesn't matter if the flipper is fully down or only 1/8" down. It returns at full speed and exerts full power on the ball. A real life flipper will not...
  12. superballs

    High Speed Beta

    Waiting for this has been like waiting for the special editions of all three star wars movies to come out back in high school. So excited to finally have my hands on this.
  13. superballs

    You think we'll ever be able to do a tap pass?

    Actually, what TPA is missing is proper flipper acceleration. The inputs are in fact digital and even the analog triggers in TPA function as digital switches as far as the emulation framework is concerned but they allow for two stage flippers ti be used In real life, a flipper has to...
  14. superballs

    Twitch at 3:00 PM and a table poll

    Precisely bent wet noodles though
  15. superballs

    Table Pack #26 speculation

    I'm pretty sure all their releases have been different tables. That would breach the license agreement with the manufacturers as they have to release the tables in their original form. Apparently they have some leeway with rom settings. We used to do this with warcraft 2 as well.
  16. superballs

    Final Four

    I remember when I was young and I first came to the realization that professional wrestling was fake. A couple years back I had the same realization with pretty well any professional sport. I know the players are out there competing like hell but the winners are generally chosen through...
  17. superballs

    High Speed Screenshots

    It's not boring but it's not the getaway either. But then again most tables aren't the getaway simply because they are something else entirely.
  18. superballs

    No Love for Android

    I wait patiently but inside it's all screaming and anguish
  19. superballs

    High Speed Screenshots

    Anyone else notice that all three screen shots have the score ending in 420?

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