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  1. Citizen

    The Random Thought Thread

    A regular bunch o' Shemps and Zeppos.
  2. Citizen

    New Releases Coming???

    PS3, PSV, 360, Wii U and Mac owners haven't exactly had a great time over the years either. It's not just PS4 that gets prioritized behind Android/iOS/Steam/(Ouya for some reason) for releases and/or proper fixes.
  3. Citizen

    Zen free tables - for those who don't read the news section

    They're both fun and have well-integrated themes. Adventure Land is my favorite of the two. Nudging seems to be just as useless on the Switch version as it is on all versions of Zen/FX that I've played, not that it really matters with as easy as the tables are.
  4. Citizen

    Future releases

    I know that an end to future PS3 releases was officially announced. So, I have a pretty simple question: Is Vita also ending with Season 6, or will it continue getting new tables?
  5. Citizen

    Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday SPA

    Wouldn't be so bad if we had confirmation of better upcoming releases than Big Buck Hunter and Whoa Nellie. And who knows when those will even release. Hopefully the renewed Metallica license means we'll be getting that in 2018.
  6. Citizen

    Leaderboard sign in problem still not fixed

    Are the Vita versions of Phantom and Al's Garage Band ever going to be fixed so that Phantom isn't a blurry, stuttering mess and Al's doesn't play in slow motion?
  7. Citizen

    New Releases Coming???

    Agreed. It also beats rewarding Farsight for their slow releases by giving them more money per table.
  8. Citizen

    Nintendo Switch version

    Decided to download it and have also tried Frankenstein so far. I really enjoyed the Switch SPA version of it. It plays well and looks good. As for issues, I only noticed a few. For some reason the DMD didn't show up the very first time I played, but after that initial hiccup, it displayed...
  9. Citizen

    Zen free tables - for those who don't read the news section

    Oh, nice. Getting them now on Switch. Thanks. I think the free deal is only being offered for the home console and PC versions.
  10. Citizen

    The Music Video Thread

    Nice, Dedpop.
  11. Citizen

    Nintendo Switch version

    Is there/will there be a US release of the physical copy?
  12. Citizen

    Season 8 wishlist

    Tales from the Crypt is #30.
  13. Citizen

    Season 8 wishlist

    Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure Stargate Freddy Surf 'n Safari Super Mario Bros. Tag-Team Pinball Street Fighter II Car Hop Silver Slugger Amazon II Works for me.
  14. Citizen

    Table Pack #70 Speculation

    Maybe they'll do an Ace High/Jive Time 2-pack in S8 to finally finish off the PHoF tables.
  15. Citizen

    Table Pack #70 Speculation

    Overall a good season if that's true. Fathom, World Cup Soccer, Paragon, Ghostbusters, and now Banzai Run and Sorcerer. Six great tables (plus an interesting Williams EM 2-pack and a rare Alvin G.). Personally I think I might even rank S7 above S5 and S6.
  16. Citizen

    Season 8 wishlist

    A different thread reminded me of this, but I wish they would start adding some of the classic default add-a-ball games. There are plenty of good ones. Capt. Card, Dimension, Free Fall, Ice Show, Palace Guard, Subway, Home Run, Big Top, just to name a few. I'd be happy with any combination of...
  17. Citizen

    Season 8 wishlist

    I'd love an EM heavy season too but I don't think it's something we'll ever see. Still, makes good wishlist material.

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