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  1. G

    Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.6 Bugs

    Well, you may only beta test, if you pledge at least $500 on the kickstarter page... NAH - just kidding ;-) But I wonder if only the six people will be able to beta test the "Twilight Zone"... Because while I love helping out in the beta, I can't quite afford the $500 price tag for TZ =(
  2. G

    Android - Request Recipes for CPU/GPU/Govenor/ Combinations to improve gameplay performance

    The newest update should make these steps unnecessary on SGS2, ICS, stock rom, if the beta apk is any indication =) For me it plays better than ever now!
  3. G

    Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.6 Bugs

    Quick performance test on SGS2 with Android ICS and newest stock rom / update with the beta apk: All tables run smoother than ever! No "hud off / on" trick needed on BoP. FH runs smoothly with hud on, which was impossible before! No performance issues when resuming from "sleep-mode" or "home...
  4. G

    Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.6 Bugs

    Will try this, although the whole "cycle thing" could be coincidence... On 1.0.5 I never had to turn the hud off/on either. All it took to improve performance was to go the the options menu briefly after having started a table. But I will try a few things on Funhouse, now that there *is* a...
  5. G

    Classic! AMC's The History of Pinball - WATCH!

    Reposted together with Ball Saved:
  6. G

    AMC's The History of Pinball documentary...

    Reposted together with Ball Saved:
  7. G

    The Android version of Cirqus Voltaire & Funhouse is out!

    I tried all tables briefly with the 1.0.6 update and for me the playability has sadly become worse on nearly every table... Every table now starts out with jittering graphics / choppy framerate on SGS II, running ICS. This can be fixed by going into the pause menu for a moment and waiting for...
  8. G

    Request General Wish List Thread

    hey guys, just to let you know: I cannot find the time to update the first post with the new requests at the moment, so it'll have to wait for a while. I'll try to add all the new stuff asap...
  9. G

    360 - Bug Wizard goals cheevo not given

    same for me on Android =( was my second time reaching and beating the Grand Finale and it didn't register the wizard goal!
  10. G

    Bug Spiral Ramp

    IIRC this was even worse on the Williams Collection =)
  11. G

    Metroid Prime Pinball

    Made by the same studio that developed the Pro Pinball Series, Silverball Studios: That explains why it's so awesome =)
  12. G

    Request Extras from collections

    They actually had a working / playable fortune teller and love meter in PHoF:TWC?? Or am I misunderstanding something? (Cause I never noticed anything like that...)
  13. G

    Release of the PHOF 3D in germany / waiting for PA

    If you want to support FarSight - buy them all :D
  14. G

    Classic! AMC's The History of Pinball - WATCH!

    I'll see what I can do on the weekend :D
  15. G

    Classic! AMC's The History of Pinball - WATCH!

    Good thing I downloaded "AMCs History of Pinball", while it was up. I'm not sure if it's still copyrighted since it was a 90s TV documentary, right? As long as there are no copyright problems I could re-upload it... On another note: I still wonder how "Special When Lit" is still up, since that...
  16. G

    What's so special about a SPECIAL?

    alternately it would be great to use earned credits for buy-in games, where you can extend a great game by one extra ball for the price of a game... Of course buy-in achieved scores would have to be made visible in the leaderboards! We discussed that concept in the wish list thread...
  17. G

    Suggestion: make bugs sticky

    or make a BUG LIST that is updated regularly similar to my "General Request List" Thread and make that a sticky... But someone needs to manage that list and I'm recently kind of caught up with RL stuff...
  18. G

    Bug Camera not focusing on the plunger, after locking a ball

    @ E Laser: definitely the most annoying bug for me on BoP - happens nearly every game on Android ICS, SGSII! Even if you call the attendant this will only make the locked ball *also* go to the plunger lane, which then results in two balls rubbing against each other with irritating clicking...
  19. G

    Bug 10 MILLION Big Wheel Light Says 10 BILLION?

    Thanks Mike for your detailed response - always appreciated!! :D The plunger cam problem on BoP happens to me in practically every game on Android ICS, SGSII that's why it's so annoying... From a non-programmer perspective I would think that any time the ball arrives back in the plunger lane -...
  20. G

    Bug 10 MILLION Big Wheel Light Says 10 BILLION?

    so what did we do to get *this* bug on the high priority list? ;-) but joking/teasing aside: any improvements are of course welcome!! personally, the BoP plunger camera problem seems more pressing: where the camera "forgets" to go back to the plunger lane after a ball is locked and you can't...

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