Search results

  1. Sinistar

    Request The true "Earn a Credit" sound (SHHHTACK!)

    I have been asking for more robust , read: LOUDER , sound for the ball rolling on the wood table , this was erroneously reported back to FarSight as requesting the sound be dampened . Get it through your heads , the noise as it stands is not authentic and needs to be deeper like a miniature...
  2. Sinistar

    It's not easy (nor wise) to be an early adopter of next gen...

    Hmm let's see if I had kept that PS3 I had obtained back when it came out instead of selling it on Ebay , I'd have a desirable Fat model with Ps2 emulation and small HD I could easily upgrade to a bigger size. So good things and bad about early adopting . Older versions prone to heating issues...
  3. Sinistar

    Lucas Arts cans all games and lays off 150 staff

    Sad news in gaming , the games StarWars 1313 and StarWars First Assault are now vaporware , and as they shift from a development corp. to a IP distribution system, they have pink slipped 150 Lucas Arts employees in the game division...
  4. Sinistar

    An apology to Farsight and this board (flipper lag)

    Everyone feels like a Moron sometimes , it was just your turn , that's all.
  5. Sinistar

    Bug Cabinet Inside Color

    Yes and EVERY MONTH THAT FARSIGHT ignores this little detail we pointed out June 2012 makes them look as callous about their product as FACEBOOK would have you believe . Fix this already!! I'm sick of checking every time there is a new patch and still seeing black side panels on FunHouse ...
  6. Sinistar

    Thoughts on Attack From Mars (PS3)

    While Attack From Mars , can truly stand so far as I can tell , one of FarSight's best new table add-ons , great theme , clean graphics , cool effects , why do I feel so jaded about it? Have I truly gotten to a point when Pinball Arcade's best offerings no longer entertain me? That's not their...
  7. Sinistar

    Request to Farsight: Stop releasing updates until you have basic testing down

    No we have members with egocentric favoritism towards their device of choice , need we remind you other users this started as a console game , and your damn lucky they went mobile with it ......
  8. Sinistar

    Round 2 Audio Interview: Post Your Questions

    Has FarSight considered making some DLCs for PS Vita , that actually use the PS Vita assets to it's advantage instead of low resoloution quickie ports of your mobile versions?
  9. Sinistar

    Request to Farsight: Stop releasing updates until you have basic testing down

    Ok, it's very easy to say , but how many reports on this bug did you post? Part of the problems with the game is they have no time to chase down the suspected bug and find a soloution because there are no clues about what causes it . You want bugs fixed? be proactive typing out how the bug...
  10. Sinistar

    So how did Star Trek turn out?

    Looking at your screenshots , there is no lie or my doubts about them just porting the mobile Android versions to PS Vita , any longer , the yellow colored rails which are aqua blue on PS3 , are on both versions. So there's the problem , Zen Studios makes their games to be played on Ps Vita ...
  11. Sinistar

    1.10 patch just snuck in , no not the Tuesday patch 1.09 another one !

    The patch info before you start installing said 1.10 : a new patch is available 1.10 do you wish to install it ?
  12. Sinistar

    1.10 patch just snuck in , no not the Tuesday patch 1.09 another one !

    please go patch and tell me you see better ramps and some decals art that was missing before ? , also more lighting effects , and cleaner models .
  13. Sinistar

    1.10 patch just snuck in , no not the Tuesday patch 1.09 another one !

    No , this was the motherlode graphic update patch , tables noted improvements on. Harley Dav Theatre Bride OP StarTrek Circus V No Good Gs Twilight Zone Taxi If you check those god awful ramps with the fuzzy grey textures are now more transparent , some of the light domes have improved...
  14. Sinistar

    So how did Star Trek turn out?

    whoa hold your horses Metazoic from out of the darkness tonight a ray of hope . Version 1.10 on Vita came out , which has from what my old eyes are seeing upped the details of several tables , Scared Stiff still not great, but you see they are making strides with the classic tables and some of...
  15. Sinistar

    1.10 patch just snuck in , no not the Tuesday patch 1.09 another one !

    Turn on your PS Vita another new update patch just rolled , making the current version 1.10 , this is not to be confused with the patch released Tuesday afternoon North America , which was 1.09 . Please feel free to provide feedback here.
  16. Sinistar

    Pinball FX 2/Zen plans to come over to Steam

    "Hopefully we'll beat Zen to the market" , now we're all Pinball fans here , and I'd like to remind you that Steam can and should host both games on it's online service . Pinball Arcade is not threatened by Zen Pinball 2, and Zen has made no secret they are fans of FarSight's work too . If...
  17. Sinistar

    Bug Star Trek: TNG bug thread

    sorry if this a dup thread . My bug is PS3 specific . after ending the game and depressing launch the game stays in a frozen attract mode . However , unlike stuck in attract mode bugs seen previously this time I can launch balls, but not flipper control , there is no DMD shown. reproduced by...
  18. Sinistar

    So how did Star Trek turn out?

    UPDATE: patch 1:09 was the basis of this review, new version in patch 1:10 introduced tonight with slight improvements across the playfield, sharper textures , table now rates B- , glad I got some screenshots to compare it with. I may have been wrong about any improvements , it's hard to...
  19. Sinistar

    Patched today

    Yeah I fired up the Vita , patched it and peeked at Elvira Scared Stiff , still the ugliest dog in the litter . I wish I still had contact with my friend who's family knows Ms. Peterson , I'd let her know FarSight skimped on one of her machines .
  20. Sinistar

    Twilight Zone for the Vita has terrible graphics.

    Well it sure seems like Ol Bobby King decided to avoid the issue and not post any replies or acknowledgement of the issue , if you're reading this Bobby, we aint going away !

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