They're going bonkers again. Mel's comments are being downvoted into oblivion.
If only people could get this outraged over TRUE scams and hoaxes such as corona. Instead all of their efforts and...
Zen's ability to enrage their limited but very devoted fanbase on a consistent/ongoing/endless basis is a marvel to behold.
Based upon comments in reddit and the steam forum it seems like they're ready to riot.
I just can't see an easy resolution or any for that matter. Zen's customer base is...
Which could be as little as a few weeks. Even the hottest of properties drop off after a few weeks.
Even if earning parts doesn't happen, there will almost certainly be a sale.
The Zen Steam Forum is probably the most amusing but there are clearly elements of the internecine warfare on the FX3 reddit and other forums as well.
On reddit, an FX3 mod referred to an article critical of zen pricing as "trash journalism." I thought mods were supposed to be moderate?!? The...
How well does the mobile version of Indy play?
I think it might be worth a purchase for play on a 120 hz tablet; almost certainly not if you play exclusively on a phone.
I'm also disappointed it didn't launch on zen pinball 2 for Mac. Having said that, they still don't offer controller support...
I'm just curious as to how the Indy table can be accessed or acquired in Williams mobile. I don't see an option to purchase parts (I have all 21 current tables unlocked).
There's always the option of purchasing the options to turn on Williams physics and optional graphics: would that apply to...
The most likely explanation is that table parts disappear from the store once you 4 star all available tables. Maybe you can buy parts with coins once the Indy table appears?
The release date is the 10th so I guess these questions will be answered soon.
There was no way to purchase tables outright in Williams mobile.
You had to grind for parts and then either grind some more or pay after grinding.
How will this table be accessible if you've already earned every other table? Can you use coins to purchase parts to acquire the table? I don't see...
They're simple, cartoonish, easy to design tables. The designs look more like careless doodles than actual, challenging tables with realistic physics. It's a cash cow, not pinball design.
Williams Pinball on tablet at 120 Hz looks great. So much more realistic and fluid. At 60 hz, on a bigger display, the mobile version looks pretty bad.
I find game play on a standard 60 hz on a phone (6" display) looks very good. I'm wondering if the upgrade to a 120 hz display on a...
No doubt. I have to, but hate to, agree. The zen tables are so beautifully and faithfully rendered, it's a joy to see such painstakingly recreated tables.
Playing the game is completely different. The "arcade" version doesn't seem faithful to the real world physics of actual tables. There's no...
I've noticed that just about any company without an actual working phone number for customer support screws it's customers sooner or later. I'm not saying it can't happen with companies with phone support, but that human factor of actually having to speak to someone creates a sense of...
Nudging with joystick controllers is clearly superior ergonomically compared to reaching to and swiping at the top of a tablet screen.
Continuous tapping on a tablet or phone can also irritate your joints, so the bit of cushion afforded with buttons and triggers is probably slightly preferable...
Another nice aspect of playing on a tablet is that you maximize use of screen real estate.
There's so much wasted space on a standard 16x9 display.
Hopefully, the next iteration of Williams mobile pinball will feature higher res tables. The latest m1 chips and snapdragon 88x GPU's should be...
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