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  1. Bonzo

    Dr Strange out now! Impressions

    Yes. Happened a lot during this Steam sale. Guess they sometimes added the wrong amount of discount to already discounted articles. Steam store was a mess for about an hour whenever new daily deals appeared.
  2. Bonzo

    How to get more than 60 fps in-game?

    Amen! Welcome to the fold.
  3. Bonzo

    Hi to all

    Welcome to the fold.
  4. Bonzo

    The Movies I Saw In 2013

    There's a Slaughterhouse 5 movie?
  5. Bonzo

    Have a great new year!

    A "guten Rutsch", y'all!
  6. Bonzo


    Welcome to the fold.
  7. Bonzo

    Do I have to have every table installed?

    It's not the least bit puzzling. ZEN doesn't have to emulate any ROMs.
  8. Bonzo

    Death of a loved one.

    I've been trying to find words for a response to this thread for days, but still haven't. Apart from I'm deeply sorry for your loss.
  9. Bonzo

    Merry christmas

    Frohe Weihnachten everyone!
  10. Bonzo

    A Little Late to the Party

    Welcome to the fold.
  11. Bonzo

    Checking in with my intro

    Welcome to the fold.
  12. Bonzo

    Hello from THe D!

    Welcome to the fold.
  13. Bonzo

    Finally Joined

    Welcome to the fold.
  14. Bonzo

    New game interface (start menu)

    Huh? Does it come with a banscythe? ;P
  15. Bonzo

    Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas - coming to mobile in Dec '13

    Aren't they all on Steam?
  16. Bonzo

    Flippin' Out With...Scott Shelton of FarSight

    Good stuff! Fingers crossed this will be a regular blog/feature for a long time.
  17. Bonzo

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Oh... whoops. My bad. Still could be a premium table that didn't need a KS, though.
  18. Bonzo

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    2 premium tables in season 1. So maybe a 2nd premium table to finish season 2? Something with a license that isn't too expensive so that FS didn't need our help to kickstart the deal?
  19. Bonzo

    Five things about yourself

    1) I'm from Duisburg originally, which is kinda like the Detroit of Germany. Coal instead of cars though. 2) I've been playing p&p roleplaying games for more than 20 years, but I haven't read the Dragonlance Saga, yet. I'm more a Forgotten Realms guy. No, wait, I love the Planescape setting...

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