If true, this is awesome news. I imagine the lighting will be much nicer compared to what I'm getting on Ouya atm. However I am wondering if I should migrate to Wii-U since the NX appears to be slated for late 2016-2017? What am I saying? Of course I should! ;)
Regardless, Zen Pinball on the...
It's the luck of the dice. I outrun the guard about 50% of the time. The other half I get booted out. That's all assuming I don't land on the cyber dog space. That tile sucks. Occasionally I can also get back into the bank after defeating the cyber dog and finish the board game. I haven't played...
That's because you're playing it to unlock the wizard goals instead of playing to have fun. Who cares if it's one you already have? A token! I'll spend it playing Assault on the Vault! :cool:
Could be a lot worse. At least you don't have to spend $$$ for extra tokens like *cough* Ghostbusters...
Technically IRL, ROM state has nothing to do with the tokens remaining in the holding area and the CPU has no control over the order that they are dispensed. I am curious if TPA keeps inventory of the remaining tokens inside the tray. One way to determine this is to manually take inventory of...
Wow, really? The board game is awesome and I've already earned (and spent) two tokens during two play sessions. Assault on the Vault is a neat multiball mayhem mode but I imagine it could get old if they didn't make it a special reward.
May I ask what you don't like about this game? Wizard...
Ouya barely sold 200,000 units, and 76% of purchasers never purchased a single game and only used it as a cheap emulation box. TPA was ported to it and still supported.
Wii-U is well over 10,000,000 units and sold marginally fewer units than Xbone worldwide, and many indie titles have been...
Please tell me what elementary school has pinballs in the cafeteria? Also my parents were frugal and raised me not to waste my allowance on arcade games. 50 cents per week sucked even in the 80s...
They've been false advertising since the beginning. I think the Wii-U is the only platform that's even remotely relevant, that TPA hasn't been added yet.
I earned another token tonight. And yes, there's a separate leaderboard for Assault on the Vault, but it appears to be hidden except when you've just spent a token...
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