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  1. Reagan Dow

    Work In Progress features

    Perhaps "slow strobe" ?
  2. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 9: WHITE WATER!

    Hey SYT, tried to sign up for the Tourney and it says "no longer accepting applications" I thought we had till the 25th? Is there only a limited number of people accepted?
  3. Reagan Dow

    Table pack #37 speculation

    I would love to see Pink Panther!
  4. Reagan Dow

    Farsight what's going on with the next table? Photos,Beta,release date?

    I guess I should have but sadly, I didn't. :( Sorry man
  5. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - Circus (1977) Bugs & Feedback

    Zsolt. Were you able to recreate the left spinner typically not scoring when you go through it. Perhaps it's only when it's supposed to be 100pts? I definitely had it happen on many games. Thanks. R
  6. Reagan Dow

    Post Zaccaria - Future Tables

    Snorzel. I don't know how you found some of these. Many of these tables are very cool and quite obscure. I guess one way to know if the ROMs for these tables are available is to do a cross examination with real pinball and virtual pinball. Not sure if pinball nirvana also is a place to check? I...
  7. Reagan Dow

    I Love My Local Movie Theater!

    And we all complain when there is a little glitch in TPA or ASK. :) Actually, That is more directed towards the whining i see on Far Sights FB page. Its gotten way out of control!
  8. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Guides

    Thanks mike. I've been trying to figure out what sticky did and was afraid to ask I case it was something that a 5yr old could figure out and I couldn't. Don't think I would have thought of the definition w/out help no matter how long I gave it. :)
  9. Reagan Dow

    Real Tables Announced/Designed But Later Cancelled Before Release/Prototype

    You're friend has an AMAZING collection of pins, especially all the prototypes. Talk about pinball nirvana!
  10. Reagan Dow

    BlahCade Interview with Zsolt: Ask Your Questions Here

    The above pictures of tables,What are the names of each table? They look wicked!!
  11. Reagan Dow

    Jack*Bot coming in season 4?

    I also only played a few games of BOP in real life but since it came out on TPA I've found awhile new respect for the table. I sometimes burn myself out on it but I always come back to it. Kind if like a psyco girlfriend that you know is bad for you but you keep going back for more! It's...
  12. Reagan Dow

    What are your favorite "excitable" or "hype" tables?

    Bride of Pinbot and Whirlwind pretty much everything on both tables. WW-Gets my blood pumping the fastest and for most of the game on pretty much on the end of my seat. When I was 15 or 16 the local arcade had one and I can't even begin the think about how many quarters I dumped into that machine!
  13. Reagan Dow

    Let's Talk About Zankor...

    I like the table, the music is pretty good, especially when it speeds up briefly. I guess you could say it's a jungle themed tune? It's a very hard table to describe for sure but as night said "but that's why it's so great" and I agree. It's also strange as it's a very low scoring table compared...
  14. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Guides

    Hey Jeff, I hate to ask but you typically give me answers to my sometimes foolish questions. What exactly does it mean when a thread is "stickied"?
  15. Reagan Dow

    Jack*Bot coming in season 4?

    I did mean Comet. My Bad
  16. Reagan Dow

    Let's Talk About Zankor...

    Glad you posted this. Ive been trying to figure out what the upper play field is for as well.
  17. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3

    i made a mistake on my previous post and called the ball kicker holes sometimes on the left or right sometimes in the middle was what i was talking about. The center cupid Circus will take a dead on shot yet it doesn't capture the ball. I just had it happen 1/2 times on one ball before finally...

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