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  1. RushDude2112

    Best Rock N' Roll Pinball

    I have only played the Kiss table a few times and I have never seen any of the others except Monster Bash (TPA) so i voted for Monster Bash
  2. RushDude2112

    Starship Troopers Thread

    I liked what I saw on Twitch for this game. Can not wait to play it tomorrow
  3. RushDude2112

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    When i started this challenge Monday, I only had 2 of the standard goals met, As of right now, I only need the 3 free balls and 3 million. I never realized how much fun this table is. This table is good practice for getting your nudge game down.
  4. RushDude2112

    NBA Regular Season

    They just come off a hard loss to Golden State, but I still like my Rockets
  5. RushDude2112

    What shows are you watching?

    Watching Agent Carter and Big Bang. I am a sucker for Marvel spinoff.
  6. RushDude2112

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Well I finally completed the Standard Goals, I like this idea of table of the week. I hope I can break 3 mil before the end of the week.
  7. RushDude2112

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    I love this idea. As for this table, I really suck lol. I have 2 standard goals left (Earn EB and score 500k). Current HS is 439,500. Hopefully I will be at least to the Wizard Goals before this thread closes
  8. RushDude2112

    Starship Troopers Thread

    I have never seen this pin in the arcades, but I am a fan of Denise errr I mean the movie and I am looking forward to this table, I hope when I power up my OUYA tomorrow that it has the update icon on my TPA tile :) . I am also looking forward for TAF as well. I spent enough quarters on that pin...
  9. RushDude2112

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    I am stoked about all of the new tables coming to TPA. Maybe I am easily amused, but hey I think the work they are doing is awesome. I dont know how hard it would be to obtain the license for Rollercoaster Tycoon, but I just recently played this pin at my local arcade (yes there are still some...
  10. RushDude2112

    The Random Thought Thread

    Maybe someone here can answer this question for me. I am trying to change my tables to dark mode. Do you need to have the Pro Versions in order to put tables on dark mode? I looked everywhere in options for my version on the OUYA and no options for dark mode comes up. Any thoughts?
  11. RushDude2112

    ZapCon 2015

    If anyone is going to be in the Mesa, Az. area on the weekend of April 18-19. Come and check out ZapCon Arcade and Pinball Expo. Lots of classic and current gen pins set for free play. Here is a link with more info.
  12. RushDude2112

    Request Pinball Hall of Fame: The Nintendo Collection

    I would love to see FarSight team up with Nintendo and release the tables listed in CC13 list.
  13. RushDude2112

    Historic pinball tables you'd like in TPA

    I would love to see Mars, Evil Kenevil, Space Invaders and Spirit get made for TPA
  14. RushDude2112

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    I just watched your youtube link and that pin looks like it would be a lot of fun backboard and all. Maybe TPA will make this table one day. When ZapCon hits this area in April, I hope they have this pin there
  15. RushDude2112

    Next tournament wishlist

    1. Monster Bash 2. Big Shot 3. High Speed 4. Dracula 5. Earthshaker 6. Haunted House
  16. RushDude2112

    Season 4 when?

    I play on Ouya myself and I have not seen any delays in table releases
  17. RushDude2112

    Hardest Table in TPA

    I chose Gorgar, I am having a really tough time with this table myself
  18. RushDude2112

    Pinball podcasts

    I love the Arcade Outsiders. Jon Jacobsons personal arcade has some nice pins including a Revenge From Mars.
  19. RushDude2112

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    I would love to see Cyclone, F-14, and even Evil Kenevil (My very first pin I ever played). But if I was to make a guess at #36, I would say it would be Xenon
  20. RushDude2112

    Atari VCS (2600) Video Pinball

    I had this cart and spent many nights playing this game for hours on end.

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