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  1. G

    Major problems with Android update

    I'm just gonna repost my facebook comment here, so we have it in the right place: after the newest android update: the game now starts with a wiped save file (goals, local scores, first bootup splash screen "our mission") EVERY single time I start it! the only way it keeps any of the data is if...
  2. G

    FarSight Studios representation

    awesome! assuming it really is you ;-) but jokes aside: there usually is a a way to put a label / flag on devs and moderators in forums, right? @Gord: would this be a (desirable) possibility for the FarSight devs on this board to distinguish them?
  3. G

    iOS - Bug Plunger strength inconsistent

    @ tony: yes, I have encountered this as well, but it seems more like it's caused by *where* on the screen you start off with your thumb when plunging. (if that makes any sense...) another weird thing I've noticed is that when you plunge the ball only a little, so it doesn't actually leave the...
  4. G

    Comment by 'goforthewall' in article 'Major problems with Android update'

    oops, too late ;-) and you gotta love John Popadiuk's comment on facebook... hope it doesn't affect farsight's credibility with the designers!
  5. G

    Android Facebook Update

    Got the Android Update (1.02 ??) and it has wiped all progress for table goals, as well as all local high scores. Nudging by shaking the device is still not selectable for me (Galaxy S2, Android Version 2.3.4). Can't really say anything about improvements yet =) Oh and something is really weird...
  6. G

    Request Credit Tracking

    But accurately recreating the tables involves having a buy-in option for some... Personally I think the player should start out with one credit per game and get to use any credits you earn during *that* game for buy-ins. To keep the balance, the earned credits should not carry over to other...
  7. G

    FarSight Studios representation

    Yeah, Bobby King seems to be a really nice and helpful guy! He was the one to answer all my Emails to FarSight over the past years, especially when I was waiting for the PAL Version of PHoF:TWC... my God that release took forever =)
  8. G

    Hey everyone

    Hey guys, thanks to Gord for finally setting up the long needed forum! Didn't you mention on FB that you asked FarSight's permission? So maybe they could feature the link more prominently? I'm sure most of the FB crowd would really appreciate coming here, once things really start to kick off...
  9. G

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Jurassic Park (Data East, but should be Stern now) Demolition Man (Williams) Bride of Pinbot (Williams, this one is confirmed by the making-of video) Judge Dredd (Bally) Lord of the Rings (Stern) Batman The Dark Knight (Stern) The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams) Spider-Man (Stern) Last Action...
  10. G

    Android - Bug [FIXED] - No nudging the table by shaking device possible on Android / Galaxy S2

    I guess it would be okay to nudge by touch, if the touch area weren't so damn high up in portrait mode! it's okay in landscape, but I do prefer portrait for the "real feel"
  11. G

    Request Multiball camera

    it's one of those design choices that nobody wanted or asked for... but I'm sure FarSight has gotten the message by now =)
  12. G

    Android - Bug [FIXED] - No nudging the table by shaking device possible on Android / Galaxy S2

    Hey guys, anybody else have the problem that the option to activate nudging by shaking the device is not selectable on Android / Samsung Galaxy S2? This was reported to Far Sight before the 1.01 Update, but they seemingly didn't fix it...
  13. G

    Bug Multiball restart

    Yes! I can verify this. Happened to me on Samsung Galaxy S2 recently.
  14. G

    Comment by 'goforthewall' in article 'Black Hole video appears'

    Hey Gord, please change the name of this category to Gottlieb with an "ie" instead of an "ei" =)

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