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  1. Bonzo

    The Song Title Game

    Wading through the darkness - Flotsam & Jetsam Edit: Damn, too slow...
  2. Bonzo

    Hello Fellow Pinheads

    Welcome to the fold.
  3. Bonzo

    Hello from sunny Glasgow

    Welcome to The fold.
  4. Bonzo

    Bug Current highscore on LB is a fraud

    Huh? It wasn't me. I swear.
  5. Bonzo

    The Song Title Game

    Ups, I did it again - Britney Spears, wait. Um...
  6. Bonzo

    The Song Title Game

    The loneliness of the long distance runner - Iron Maiden
  7. Bonzo

    The Song Title Game

    Down To The Temple - Vicious Roumors
  8. Bonzo

    The Song Title Game

    Balls To The Wall - Accept
  9. Bonzo

    The Song Title Game

    The Joker And The Thief - Wolfmother
  10. Bonzo

    Howdy everybody!

    Welcome to the fold.
  11. Bonzo

    Football (Soccer) Games

    Kick Off 2 on my Amiga was the last football game I played extensively... ;)
  12. Bonzo

    Thoughts on a Tablet please

  13. Bonzo

    Stern metallica pinball

    No love for Ride the Lightning? Booo! ...and whacking Lars' head with a silver ball sounds like good fun to me. =D
  14. Bonzo

    The Random Thought Thread

    +1 With so many talented artists doing webcomics today that should be a regular video podcast!
  15. Bonzo

    PAPA Circuit Final: LIVE April 11, 9:30 am ET

    Come to the chat and let's... well... chat about it while it's on. :)
  16. Bonzo

    An apology to Farsight and this board (flipper lag)

    It's "they're wrong"! ...yeah, you're right, that was Fun. ;P
  17. Bonzo


    Maybe a little late, but for the sake of continuity: Welcome to the fold. ;)
  18. Bonzo

    Greetings from a Limey Brit

    Welcome to the fold.
  19. Bonzo

    Richard 'Lord British' Garriott is developing a new Ultima game!

    Actually he sold his castle. It was becoming to small for his collection. So he's getting an even bigger one. ;) Edit: Oh, he hasn't sold it yet. But he's trying to.
  20. Bonzo

    Hello to all

    Welcome to the fold.

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