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  1. J

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    Same issue. Addams and Indy are not unlocked on iOS, but other backed items (T2, Star Trek) came back with a logout/login. Indy is unlocked on Steam.
  2. J

    Bug iCade not working when using new top-level buttons in UI to launch tables

    If I launch a table via the new UI buttons (Recently Played, Latest Release, Random), my iCade buttons do not respond when I'm in the table. If I use the top-left button to view all tables and launch from there, everything's fine. Can recreate at will; no need to close your session...
  3. J


    Same. Found out I could enable wifi after the program was running and reinstall all of the tables, which I appreciated.
  4. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Well played. No arguing with that logic.
  5. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    I bow to you and the countless others who tout this as a justification that it should just "exist" for everyone on any other platform, or be $5. FFS, just buy and limit yourself to a PS3, then. It doesn't mean you deserve it. It doesn't mean I can't respect the fact that ponying up for the $100...
  6. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    We know that the iOS restriction comes from Apple, not FarSight, and that psn timing is due to platform limititations. There's no chance (for now) that this will change. As a TAF gold "owner", I really respect the way they have incorporated it as a tier in this offering. There is always...
  7. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Excuse my confusion, because seven minutes before this post it was the one thing you lacked.
  8. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Collective being the key point between $1 and, say, $100. Certainly. Totally right with that one....
  9. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    I look at this, in a thread about the Kickstarter, and boil at how you, and so many others, sit back and wait for everyone else to bring the glory (I feel) every table is to fruition. Again, it's their model, so you've all learned that you can sit idly by and not participate because "you do...
  10. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    I honestly wouldn't even mind, but I mind that those who didn't make the choice at the time feel "wronged" for not being rewarded with an opportunity that they ignored and feel deserving of in spite of that. Step the f up at the time or whine quietly in the corner. You failed, and it's real...
  11. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    That doesn't make you special. I have, too (and own every table), but I apparently made a choice to throw down the "right" $100 that you (and other ****os) didn't think was a "real" reward that wasn't going to just going to show up in the next season. I don't comment, as is evident, but I...
  12. J

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Gimme $100 and I'll let you borrow my login.

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