The first issue of "Pinball Magazine" (really more of a book) has a very nice extended interview with this guy. Unfortunately, it appears that issue is sold old. They mention on the site that it might still be available at some vendors/shows:
My local...
Location: 331 E 7th St, Tucson AZ
Great place. If you're in elsewhere in AZ, this is worth the drive. Or if you're passing through, this is a very short side-trip off I-10. Unfortunately, hours are limited on...
Just happened to me on iOS TZ. First time I hit the limit on a table. Was much more frustrated that I managed to brick the shot to start Lost in the Zone about 4-5 times in that last frantic minute.
I guess that explains why it will say "guardian releases power orb" even when it's already done so on that ball. Or does the real machine make that mistake as well?
I'd like it to be more like the "challenge" modes in the PHOF titles, where you can decide to to replay, but doing so will always erase your current score first. Could limit total number of replays as well.
Yeah, like brakel said.
I almost never seem to get a working high wire multiball in CV - always seems to lose track of ball and does the search and spits them out early. Seems only way I can avoid this is to immediately call attendant upon locking a ball, then hope I don't instead get stuck in plunger cam with balls...
I think it doesn't re-enter. Instead it'll be collected and deposited below the playfield and a new ball will shoot out of the top right and be fed to the right flipper. So same combo shot as STTNG, but instead of the ball travelling across the table in a habitrail, it will appear to "warp"...
I expect many played them all, but there was more parity between participants than in the past. In previous tourneys I could get 80 pts on any table with little effort, and would then work to squeeze a few more points. For this one, I had to work to break 50 on some tables. Much more fun -...
Did you beat my score (7.9M) on Flight 2000? I had 1st for about 4-5 days, and was worried I might drop out of the gold tier if that was beat. I dropped several places near the end, but managed to stay in the top 10%.
Dave (woof321)
STTNG in TPA is nothing like the real machine. Well, I guess it would be if when playing the real machine I decided to lean over and stick my face a few inches above the plunger EVERY TIME I got TFF.
I loved this game, but wished it had a "no enhancenments" option. The guy that sat on the sun and chewed on your balls was annoying enough, but the missiles that destroyed your flippers were too much.
Back in college an arcade I frequented had an attendant who would patrol the premises for unattended machines with credits on them - which he'd power cycle to clear. **** that guy.
I'd imagine anything that would allow users to save and reload state would make it easy to cheat. Just save every minute or so, and any time you drain restore.
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