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  1. F

    Bug iOS Version 1.2.0 Bugs And Feedback

    Another idea would be to let people use "credits" to unlock the pro versions of the tables.
  2. F

    Bug iOS Version 1.2.0 Bugs And Feedback

    I don't think Big Shot is supposed to give extra balls under any circumstances. Doing so makes the first 3 balls kind of meaningless, since before long the only way to beat your high score will be to get multiple awesome triple-score "ball 5"s. I'd rather earn a "meaningless" special than a...
  3. F

    Bug iOS Version 1.2.0 Bugs And Feedback

    Big Shot (only only I've played so far): - animation for score seems wrong. If going from 18K-23K by thousands, I think it should go 19,20,21,22 not 28,29,20,21,22. Don't have too many of these around here to check with the real thing, but I can't see how a mechanical display would act...
  4. F

    Standard and Wizard Table Goals Master List & Hall of Fame Scores

    It's a lot of fun - liked it better than many of the SS tables in Gottlieb PHOF collection. You can rack up pretty huge bonuses by completing the target banks, so the excitement builds the longer you stay alive.
  5. F

    Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

    Something else to look forward to!
  6. F

    Which table packs should I buy once the PC version comes out?

    I still find it quite fun. I'm worried about what all these bugs are doing to this project's reputation, but personally they don't keep me from playing. In the real world it was very rare to find a perfectly tuned table, but we still had a blast playing them. When the new fixes come out...
  7. F

    Older Solid State Tables

    I guess Centaur had a much smaller production run that I'd thought. A few good ones that had high runs that are missing, though, would be Space Invaders, Amazing Spider-Man, Future Spa, and Eight Ball. Grand Lizard is better than any of these though, but if system 11 is too late then give me...
  8. F

    Scared Stiff And Party Monsters Coming To TPA

    Oh, I forgot about the PHOF titles for the PSP. I guess those were the next portable ones I played after the Lynx.
  9. F

    Scared Stiff And Party Monsters Coming To TPA

    Yeah, I expect that must've been the first simulation of a real table on a portable device, and it might be the only one I played before TPA. Can't think of any others, which is amazing since it was a 20 year gap. Still have it around here someplace - awesome system. I do remember that Elvira...
  10. F

    Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

    I went to Castles and Coasters a couple months ago and they'd moved the tables upstairs and had much fewer of them. Still some great ones, though.
  11. F

    Bug iOS Version 1.1.6 Bugs and Feedback

    I did this a couple days after the previous update. My gamecenter score was still there, but since I lost all my local scores (as expected), I had to play everything again to start moving up the list. So my local hof score was 0, even though gamecenter score was around 2000. Unfortunately...
  12. F


    I'll be watching for tournaments from time to time for a certain period of time.
  13. F

    Joust sound effects

    Some of yours rate up there too, of course. Anyone that loves these classics and has an iOS device needs to download the Llamasoft games - my favorites are Minotaur Rescue and Gridrunner, but they're all great. About the only things I play on the iPad besides TPA - like being back in the 80s...
  14. F

    Wizard goals unlocked all tables

    I think Grand Finale has to be one of the easiest wizard modes on any table. It's not that hard to start if you always go for illusion on the skill shot, and once started I have a very high completion rate.
  15. F

    Lousy magna-save position

    bottom corners will definitely be an improvement, but I think another natural place to put the "buttons" would be on the playfield itself, right where the magnets are. That would be fairly intuitive, easy to to reach, and wouldn't even require actual button graphics. It'd also mean they'd be...
  16. F

    Bug TPA Flipper Bug Confirmed

    Yeah, I wouldn't say this is rare at all. Happens to me pretty much every time I play for more than 30 minutes or so. Seems to have been there on all versions, all tables, and all platforms (I've tried all but android). If people aren't seeing this, I expect it's because they just aren't...
  17. F

    The Official PSN ID Thread

    Furvid - PS3 is likely to be my main playing platform for a while, since I finally reached Atlantis on the 360.
  18. F

    Bug Right flipper post transfer

    Are we sure a post pass is supposed to work in this situation? Maybe it's a not a problem but actually a correct simulation of the actual machine. I haven't played one in 20 years, so someone else would have to comment. In any case, I usually just pass to the other flipper using either the...
  19. F

    Zen Pinball - Avengers Chronicles

    You're right - never seen one of those, but it does look very similar from the photos.
  20. F

    Zen Pinball - Avengers Chronicles

    Hurricane, maybe? That loop's above the flippers and just gravity driven, but that's what it reminded me of. This is my favorite table of the four so far, although I know nothing about the theme.

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