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  1. F

    Marvel Pinball - The Avengers Table Video

    Many of them are certainly more challenging, but I usually don't find them that fun (partially because they overuse the same game elements too much - too many ball saves, too many cross-table shots, etc.). I can play a game of TPA on a table I've already beaten and still enjoy it. On...
  2. F

    Bug 10 Billion Point Rollover

    I think part of the problem is that 10 billion point scores are much more common with these settings than with the default ones. Hope we'll see a mode where the specials give credits (and go on a cross-all-tables credits leaderboard!). On my most recent game, I think I was scoring 1...
  3. F

    Williams System 11 owners please help!

    Not sure then. Have an earlier System 11 (high speed), but think most of this stuff should be pretty similar. Mine also came with just two working displays (which weren't even alphanumeric), so I went through some similar problems a while back. I just tried turning free play off on mine and...
  4. F

    Bug 10 Billion Point Rollover

    Managed this today for the first time (360). Was wondering if I should tilt out of my last couple balls to stay under, but figured I'd roll it at least once to see what happens (not much, except you do appear to get a shot at another extra ball the second time you pass 600M). Now need to try...
  5. F

    Williams System 11 owners please help!

    Useful link: It seems (page 14) that pressing the credit button will toggle. Or maybe get one of these...
  6. F

    Another IGN failure!

    A truly static camera shouldn't move during multiball.
  7. F

    DLC Schedule For The Next Six Months

    I assumed Harley Davidson was some kind of running joke. Poor table, even for Stern, and I'd expect the song licenses alone would make it not worth the trouble. Not that I won't buy it if it happens, but it wouldn't rank anywhere in the first few hundred slots on my personal wish list.
  8. F

    Release of the PHOF 3D in germany / waiting for PA

    I've loved every version of every PHOF title I've played, except that one. Don't know if it was the resolution, frame-rate, or whatever, but just couldn't get into it.
  9. F

    Where Would Pinball Be Today if the Industry Hadn't Collapsed?

    Yeah, I like them too. Like I said, they were about 10-20% better than system 11. If someone wants to give me any table I choose, then it'd be one of those. But if I'm spending my own money, I'd rather own 3-4 older machines for the same price.
  10. F

    XBLA Sales Figures?

    What I find odd is that have several dozen "friends" on the 360 for the Pinball FX2 "Wizard Score", and only a few of these folks seem to have played TPA so far.
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    your favorite camera angle

    Was using 1 static for all (except on iPod, where I usually use scrolling), but switched to 2 static for TOM and RBION since it's very close to the multiball camera and I'm trying to finish off the wizard goals on these. On TOM I just need the 100M jackpot, which I think has to be hit right at...
  12. F

    Where Would Pinball Be Today if the Industry Hadn't Collapsed?

    I think the industry hit the sweet spot on the cost curve in the late 80's with System 11. Later it was a case of diminishing returns and machines cost so much to produce that they often wouldn't pay for themselves unless they were a major hit. Games cost 3x as much to build and were at best...
  13. F

    Your Favorite Pinball Designer?

    Definitely Ritchie - the others made some great tables, but Steve was responsible for almost every important innovation. Shame none of his tables are released yet, or in the next DLC batch, but I guess this is an "Arcade", not a "Hall of Fame". I usually consider Lawlor second based on the...
  14. F

    360 - Bug Graphics showing which ball you are on goes blank

    Seen this also - might be on all platforms (played everything except android). Not sure how many extra balls you need to have saved up for this to happen, but it's around three. Very fun table when everything goes right and you're in the zone.
  15. F

    PS3 - Bug Multiballs in a knot, hot attendant refuses to help !!!

    Sore point with me, since first buying the Gottlieb PHOF title. This table made the "Gottlieb Challenge" impossible, since whenever I got to this table and started multiball I'd get a game-ending glitch, and that required ending not just the game but the whole multi-table challenge. Since then...
  16. F

    How do you consistenty hit the lowest spot target on the right?

    I find multiball to be a fairly important part of scoring, since it's an opportunity to rack points on the lower playfield without risk of losing the ball.
  17. F

    PS3 - Bug Multiballs in a knot, hot attendant refuses to help !!!

    Yes, this happens a lot on this table, and I feel somewhat to blame for it. When the table was released on the iPad I pointed out on the Facebook page that the attendant would come even when balls weren't really stuck - you could just trap one on a flipper and they'd come over and put it in the...
  18. F

    Bug 200k Skill Shot Too Easy?

    Can hit it around 90% of the time on current gen iPod Touch, but only about 10% on iPad 1.
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    Ripley's is my least favorite of the four.
  20. F

    The Official Xbox LIVE Gamertag Thread

    GT: FurVid Not quite so good as Roy, but I do intend to play this a lot and will buy every table.

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