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  1. T

    Pinball After Dark

    I'm ready for multiple tables per month again. C'mon already Pinball After Dark.
  2. T


    What sort of differences can we expect when emulation is added? People seem very eager for it. Is the current table broken? Or missing features of the real table?
  3. T

    Table Pack #23 Speculation

    Hmmmmmm. 5:10. Discuss.
  4. T

    [Black Rose is Out] iOS 3.2.0 Discussion & Feedback

    Never knew about this table until a few weeks ago. Thanks again FarSight! Keep 'em coming!!! Just converted some expiring Best Buy reward points into an iTunes card... which is now ready and waiting for Pinball After Dark. :D
  5. T

    Table Pack #23 Speculation

    I'm just hoping to see a bigger, clearer version of that clue. Also, this is the first month in a while that I didn't get the newsletter. Is it posted anywhere?
  6. T

    What tables did you play today?

    Black Rose! Seems a bit too easy... but fun!
  7. T

    What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?

    Harold and Kumar
  8. T

    What tables do you hate with a white hot passion?

    Hey everybody. Grab a pitchfork and come with me.
  9. T

    Picking up Pin #2 tomorrow!! Williams Blackout - 1980

    Maybe you dodged a bullet. If the guy pulled that crap on you, maybe he also wasn't truthful about the state of the machine. I bet the other guy gets home and has to sink way too much money into it. So there! Congratulations! Now go find a real FP instead of a wannabe. ;)
  10. T

    Pinball After Dark

    That's just crazy talk. Not to mention people will then need to find something else to fixate on and whine about here. Please be sensitive to their needs! Sheesh!
  11. T

    Zaccaria Pinball - Favorite Physics Settngs?

    With TPA I can aim and hit most anything with practice. With Zaccaria it has always felt like I have very little influence on the path the ball takes.
  12. T

    Medieval Madness reproduction

    I'd really like one of these. I wish they could find a way to reduce the price. As much as I'd like to get one, it seems crazy to buy one when I can play great approximations on TPA. If the resale value proves to be good, maybe someday...
  13. T

    Pinball After Dark

    If I could fill my home page with TPA apps that would be fine by me. Whatever FarSight needs to do to keep the tables coming, and stay profitable. In 30+ years of gaming, I have never gotten as much bang for the buck as I have with TPA. And as a software developer myself, I am repeatedly...
  14. T

    The 12 Days of Christmas:

    Awesome news. More than 12 tables next year (I don't count Zen or any others).
  15. T

    The 12 Days of Christmas:

    Better get your hazmat suits ready. Or maybe it will be best to just avoid the water... in the future.
  16. T

    The 12 Days of Christmas:

    I don't run Linux. I hate you FarSight! Waaaaaaaaaah!

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