Thanks Netizen. That's what I thought and am very happy you are one of my friends. I just was a little confused by the posts from above. I am not sure what these fine forum members are truly talking about.
Which is par of the course for me. The only thing I really understand about Steam...
I have a question on who are the friends that are listed on the leaderboards that I access within a table. I just discovered that today when looking to see how I faired after an ok game on LCA. I noticed the friends leaderboards for the first time when I was searching through the categories...
That reminds me. Thank-you Gord for making this wonderful forum possible. You've made me my life a whole lot happier.
Thanks also to all you great forum fans, even the few bum-holes and one certain pink avatar, you put a smile on this old man's face
Hurrah for TPA and PAFF
Edit: A big...
After 1/2 hour on IPDB, I am pretty sure it is Sky Dive
Edit: Great Job Zaphod 77. I should have checked again before I posted answer.
Gee Whiz, that makes me think why I didn't ask for a real pinball machine when I was 14. I would have got one. I guess the five different cars, each one better than the other, my parents bought me from 16 - 19 was just as good.
I guess for you 16th birthday you'll get the car of your dreams...
I would love to see three settings for each table: hard - regular - easy. Yes, TPA is easier than real life pinball and a lot of pinball simulation programs; however, 98% of my games are too short.
I do not make a lot of high scores when I play TPA. From years of abuse to my mind, eyes and...
In "Down Under" by Men at Work. I thought it was "a bit of my sandwich" not "a Vegemite sandwich. Never new what Vegemite was until I read something on the web a couple of years back.
It's like Manfred Mann's "Blinded by the Light" I always thought the lyric was " Wrapped up like a douche...
My heart skipped a beat too, Jeff and after that, Karl, my mouth started to slobber. Just the thought of that brightened my whole day. Thanks Karl and Jeff
I was very uncoordinated when I was young and pinball did wonders to my hand eye coordination. The coordination I learned at pinball really helped my bowling average.
Capt'n, I had to You Tube that song to see what your talking about. Pinball is 1000 times more fun to learn hand-to-eye...
Maybe a solution for making the match sequence more palatable is to enhance the sound so that you can hear a loud thunk when a match is made. There is nothing so satisfying in pinball to me than the thunk at happens when you win a game.
The reason I'm not fond of drop catching is that after I do it, most of the time I can't his the darn target I shoot at anyway. Dang Nabit, I wish I had the hand and eye coordination as I did from 14 to 40.
Howdy Captain,
I just want to say you are a pretty amazing young man. The only way I know you is on this forum, however; I think you must be a very smart, kind human being that enjoys making people happy. I have been impressed on how you treat everyone on this forum and you certainly deserve...
I gave up playing lotto years ago and then started to play again after finding TPA. Like a lot of us, I want to win a $400 million jackpot, which would be about $110 million net, and blow it all on TPA to bring the fun of pinball to all.
Hi gooche77,
I bought a CybertronPC 3.5GHz 8GB DDR3 Escape Unleashed II in November last year as a present just to run the Steam version of TPA. It's a really nice tower a lot of extra room for expansion if ever wanting to upgrade. The PC ran about $800. It has plenty of power for TPA and...
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