When a ball goes to the plunger during multiball it gets launched when I use the right flipper. The reason is simple: the touch zone is the same.
Is there a settings solution? If not there could be a special launch button.
1977 Joker Poker
1976 Royal Flush
1977 Lucky Hand (Jacks Open)
1974 Big Indian/Brave
1967 King of Diamonds
Main problem of KOD is the lack of reset once you got the cards
KOD Retro which has a ROM but Farsight probably doesn't have the emu
I wasn't active for a while here and on the arcade but I returned with Fireball and El Dorado.
I was suprised about the choice. There were lists and polls where El Dorado never topped. Tables like Royal Flush had much higher production runs and have more consideration.
Bug: sometimes, particularly after “ball saved“ neither of the 2 lanes is lit. Yet you will get the bonus x anyways. The table needs a fresh set of bulbs.
There is a lane switching feature. It's actually the only way to do the skillshot.
It would be more pinball like if locked balls would carry over from ball to ball
This morning I missed the center and then all ramp/orbit lights go off and you can't win any more. The "guillotina" continues without light.
Go for the testicles! ;) (cojones [vulgar]= testicles)
At the moment the red special is lit for a very short moment only - until the clown stops. That's probably wrong.
Upper drops light orange special -> extra ball.
FT serves the ball on the right flipper and it's up to you to control it. BSD however does what it wants. Ball might drain without even a chance to do something about.
There could be a brief ballsaver on Rob-O-Bot just to make the tables more similar.
The right outlane is really hungry and the kickback shot gets reflected back into the outlane. Often i can't even touch the ball before it drains. At least yesterday I was #10 on the leaderboards and shouldn't...
I checked the “rounds“ (rondas del torneo) on the web and they seem correct. They may not relate to a boxing round of 3 minutes.
Yesterday i was missing the ballsaver on the last ball on Mask. It was an EB that instantly drained.
I was able to buy Leyendas de Lucha Libre and it plays fine. The central spinner is almost like a gobble hole. Ball physics (by Nena) is pretty good. Center shots are a bit off to the left but doable.
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