CORRECTION: Kindle Fire is currently $33.33. Pinball Arcade Underground on Amazon has the first 2 seasons for free. I am not a salesman but I do love my Kindle Fire. Ridiculous.
Jacks Open were way too easy but fireball I was done with standard my first game and wizards my second. Jacks Open took me a few games to get all the wizard goals.
Plays well, seems free of major bugs. It's not as pretty as centigrade 37 but I do love drop targets so I bet I will get my money's worth. Definitely a better job from farsight than that mess bonebusters or the equally buggy dr who.
The ball is still unnatural even after update. Its the same problem as Dr Who, it slows down and speeds up randomly and does not seem real making it impossible to time shots accurately.
I have tried to explain it at least 3 times on this thread and in the kindle thread and from reading others I'm not alone. The ball moves unnaturally compared to the other 75 tables. The framerate seems off it hangs in the air at times like the angle of the table is changing. It speeds up and...
They got off easy being called clowns. I wish I could believe they put it out without testing it. It's becoming clear they just dont care. The quality has completely gone out the window. TPA has become completely about milking money out of existing customers.
The ball doesnt respond to the bottom flipper right either. Sometimes it goes almost through the ball before it responds and then not enough like the flippers are made of sponges.
I have never used nudge or tilted a machine IRL. The arcades usually have the machines right next to each other so I can never give it an effective bump.
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