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  1. Sinistar

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    Damn it, now that is good news. Thanks PiN WiZ
  2. Sinistar

    FaceBook "Fans"

    FarSight recently on friday posted that the trolling is getting out of hand, and is dragging down the team spirit , so the FB defenders came out of the woodwork recently and started a more positive front on that page , all in all a good development. My way of handling FaceBook was to never...
  3. Sinistar

    Pinball Arcade now on Steam Greenlight!

    Welcome to the forums , as for Postal 2 , what irks me beyond reason, is that POSTAl 2 has been counted in lists for the worst PC games of all time! It's usually in the top 20 , and that The Pinball Arcade is somehow deemed unworthy of the Steam store , or below Postal 2 . from the wiki: as...
  4. Sinistar

    My first table has arrived

    Good choice , after seeing it on Youtube from another thread , this is a table I fully look forward to having on the Pinball Arcade , sometime soon in 2013 FarSight? from what I recall in that video the supercharger works during the multiball phase , but im far from a expert.
  5. Sinistar

    It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT

    Only problem with steel polishing is you remove any weather protectors or coatings. It might be a good idea to pick up a sealant for metal after you do a polish job .Or skip using a harsh abraser to polish and use a chemical , like LCR cleaner (Lime Calcium Rust) ,or barstool polish.
  6. Sinistar


    Y'know thats the thing , FarSight has made one post on FaceBook, then they clammed up , and even though we have seen Mike Ritmeiyer on the forums this week , we still have no clue about , new updated schedules , or whether Sony postponing the PS3 store update means we get our DLC after all...
  7. Sinistar

    Suggestion for update

    FarSight rarely adds on features that the real-life tables did not include . It's a good idea though.
  8. Sinistar

    Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

    If they are smart , there will be a beta for all PC users that want to make sure it works . Let's hope that how it goes down. Oh I should add : I run a system that uses Windows XP Serv pack 3 , Windows Vista home Enterainment serv pack 2 , and Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit . so it's ideal suited...
  9. Sinistar

    New Pinball Arcade Elvira promo spot on youtube

    Farsight uploaded this yesterday, and it was under our radar . , unlike the previous promo video this one has ingame footage from the 2 tables and We see footage of her playing it at the expo . I hope the EATPM does make it in time for Halloween , my...
  10. Sinistar

    It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT

    HAppy Birthday again Skill_Shot thanks for showing off the new machine live on PS3 eyetoy last night , cant wait to see when you have the thing running and playing .
  11. Sinistar

    Silly Craigslist Ads

    Sometimes you want to bump a pinball machine , sometimes you want to bump other things , instant no sale for me on that thought!
  12. Sinistar

    Comment by 'Sinistar' in article 'Time To Kick FarSight's Greenlight Project Into OVERDRIVE...VOTE For The Pinball Arcade On Steam Greenlight NOW!'

    Valve updates those pages quite frequently then, as a few days ago it was temporarily offline then too . The entire affair pisses me off , and games like Homefront, Warhammer 20K , and more now sit dormant in my Steam account . If Valve wants to play favorites with Steam , then Steam can sit...
  13. Sinistar

    Table Pack #5 And #6 On Vita/PS3 Delayed

    New development: the PSN Store update is being indefinately delayed If you go on my theory that the store change was the cause of 5&6 being delayed, then this is more proof as...
  14. Sinistar

    Playstation Store update in N.America DELAYED How will this afffect The Pinball Arcade ? more delays for the upcoming DLC Pak 5-6 or does this mean that they will now release the DLC , it's anybodys guess. But I think Sony decided to give the DEVS on...
  15. Sinistar

    Bug PS3 Europe Version 1.03 Bugs & Feedback

    No, that's a rather OLD very well documented bug , actually , and FarSight has a team working on it.
  16. Sinistar

    No updates for europe ?

    patch 1.03 only addressed the non HD tvs not showing the DLC , the 1.02 patch was a master update as well as a DLC add on fix . So it makes sense that BlackHole and other improvements are on it.
  17. Sinistar

    The Official PSN ID Thread

    It's international , I have japanese folks on my US account , Eu buddies as well.
  18. Sinistar

    Dear FarSight: re: delay on table packs

    That's a joke right? because we already learned the NA PSN and EU PSN DLC s are non compatible
  19. Sinistar

    Dear FarSight: re: delay on table packs

    J2fold update your profile to include PS3 as a device . and don't worry about being ripped off for $5 , because if you ever buy a Vita it's still waiting to be downloaded for free.

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