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  1. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    Hand to god, had I known, I would have just bought the HOF and called it aces. I'm not blaming FS, I'm blaming MS and their godawful super-standards and bureaucratic bull****. Now I'm too far in... Now I'll have to buy them all on principle... and when the bugs AREN'T ruining the game, it's fun.
  2. RKade8583

    360 - Bug Gorgar got mute.

    Sorry for the double post. I was mostly right. Gorgar will, 9/10 times, go mute for no reason and the heartbeat will go out 2/10 times. I even managed to jump a ball from the right outlane into the plunger for a free shot! What the hell, Farsight?
  3. RKade8583

    360 - Bug Gorgar got mute.

    I got it to work. Restarted the 360 and now it's sounding like it should. Very weird...
  4. RKade8583

    360 - Bug Gorgar got mute.

    Gorgar is mute. I downloaded it, installed it, and on the first ball of the first time playing it, he was mute and the sound is all overlappy and weird (the heartbeat goes from unsettling to scary to white noise for example.) What's the dilly, yo?
  5. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    It must update at 4am now... odd. Anyway YAY! ME GOT GORGAR!
  6. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    Oh damn. I must have missed it. edit: Nope. It's not anywhere. I'm US though.
  7. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    Nothing doing today. :(
  8. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    I'm hoping. :) edit: damn thing won't do the joke. *sigh*
  9. RKade8583

    The Surprising Rebirth Of The American Arcade

    I miss the arcades we used to have here. Sure I sucked because of the different controls but that wasn't the point. The atmosphere is what made them awesome.
  10. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    I've been chomping since I joined! I've had an extra $5 for months now :)
  11. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    It's cause it's not Rock Band.
  12. RKade8583

    Bug TPA Flipper Bug Confirmed

    I KNEW IT WASN'T JUST ME! I remember posting this in BH waaay back when and I couldn't provide a vid. Now maybe this can finally be fixed.
  13. RKade8583

    360 Pack #3 Gameplay Video

    Thanks. I'm old... not in actual years, just in experience. I have what they call an old soul.
  14. RKade8583

    360 Pack #3 Gameplay Video

    Me want Gorgar. Also, it's muh berfday today. 29 years old.
  15. RKade8583

    The Official Xbox LIVE Gamertag Thread

    I'm also around. Also look left.
  16. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    I don't use facebook on principle.
  17. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    This whole thing has been the biggest pisser I've ever seen. I now hate that I chose MS over PS3... and now it's too late for me to change back. THOUSANDS of dollars... sigh.
  18. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    It's 3:00am and it's not coming today.
  19. RKade8583

    Vindication for a Joshi fan I made a playlist (Joshi) featuring 2 matches. The first one made my mother cry because of how emotional the ending was to her (and she didn't know those two from Adam.) The second one is the single most brutal match I've ever seen. I just want to know that...
  20. RKade8583

    DLC Release Date

    And I'll come in too late after getting *****-smacked by some jap. It's the American way.

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