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  1. Sean DonCarlos

    The PS3 "super patch"

    The post above mine is an excellent example of how to criticize/complain properly. Welcome to the forum, Morg!
  2. Sean DonCarlos

    High Speed Screenshots

    Ooh...I like this new darker ambience. :D
  3. Sean DonCarlos

    Twitch at 3:00 PM and a table poll

    I'm not sure why they didn't have us host the poll - it's not like we haven't done official voting for them before.
  4. Sean DonCarlos

    Request Turn off the end game number match

    Not true. See Rudy's post above citing that turning Whirlwind's match off causes a malfunction.
  5. Sean DonCarlos

    So...How much FS?

    And after applying the Iron Law of Software Estimating, we'll get the actual budget and time required: $3,000,000 and 12-16 months.
  6. Sean DonCarlos

    BlahCade Podcast #6 - James Bondage (or, Pinball Fools!)

    Always leaving out the important parts... ;)
  7. Sean DonCarlos

    High Score: 99,386,986,350

    Twilight Zone, more than any other table, was tuned down to the point of travesty for TPA. The real Twilight Zone is widely (and correctly) known as a ballbreaker of a table. The TPA version is more like a Fischer Price children's toy, a "My First Pinball".
  8. Sean DonCarlos

    The PS3 "super patch"

    While frustration with FarSight's communications is unfortunately a common theme around here, lashing out at the FarSight employees who visit here misses the mark. They are the developers and testers and are not responsible for how FarSight communicates officially with the outside world. If you...
  9. Sean DonCarlos

    The PS3 "super patch"

    He's had them for a couple of weeks now. We elevated him and jaredmorgs when PinWiz stepped down.
  10. Sean DonCarlos

    Pinburgh 2014

    It's quite possible. The better I get at my own AC/DC the worse I seem to do on anyone else's. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my brain just assumes that the ramps, targets, etc. behave the same as my own machine - it's the same game, right? it can't be that different - until it is...
  11. Sean DonCarlos

    your highest all-time rank?

    #1 on the 360 version of Monster Bash for a couple of days when it first released, before people discovered and exploited the Frankenstein jackpot bug. #11 on the 360 version of FunHouse for a while as well. I'm not on many of the leaderboards for iOS and PC, because I'm usually playing in Pro...
  12. Sean DonCarlos

    Hocus Pocus magnets not always working

    Having played many different Theatre of Magic machines in real life, I can say that while it is not 100%, the real life Hocus Pocus magnets save far more balls than the TPA version does. The real machine can grab a ball halfway down the outlane if it feels like it.
  13. Sean DonCarlos

    Captain B. Zarre's 3rd Pinball Wizard Trip!

    If Wizard of Oz was a drainer, you're doing it wrong. What were you aiming for? It's a tough machine, but I can't say in all the times I've played it that I've seen a single drain I didn't deserve.
  14. Sean DonCarlos

    Buying my first real machine

    As far as a knowledge base goes, go check out Pinside. They can be a bit unforgiving if you say something stupid, but as long as you've done a bit of research beforehand, they're probably the best group out there for answering repair-related questions. They've saved me a ton of aggravation and...
  15. Sean DonCarlos

    Device of Choice or Console of choice

    PC when I'm home, because TPA on a 2560x1600 display in portrait is very nearly a religious experience as far as virtual pinball goes. (Once PC gets the DirectX 11 treatment, it might very well be a religious experience.) iOS when I'm not home, because despite the limitations playing on a...
  16. Sean DonCarlos

    Captain B. Zarre: Latest News maintainer (was COLD news for TPA)

    I make one little trip to Peoria for the weekend and return to find we have elected a new anchorman in my absence. And rightly so. Congratulations, Captain!
  17. Sean DonCarlos

    Request Turn off the end game number match

    Does the game operate properly if you do? I thought it was one of those "available but discouraged" options.
  18. Sean DonCarlos

    Request Turn off the end game number match

    On some tables, the emulator framework uses the match sequence as a sign that the game has ended. Removing the match sequence would therefore cause the emulator framework to not realize the game has ended, thus putting TPA in an unresponsive state. At least, that's the answer we got when this...
  19. Sean DonCarlos

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    We don't close the speculation threads until the announcement is made or the thread falls off the rails of decorum. Please feel free to continue to speculate at random. :)

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