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  1. Bonzo

    Vote for your top 5 favorite TPA tables to date

    TotAN: The theme. And whacking the lamp is fun CftBL: Again theme and I love 2-ball multiball Taxi: See CftBL Big Shot: The only table you can play when there's only a few minutes of free time (e.g. lunch break). TZ: Too easy, but it's TZ!
  2. Bonzo

    NCAA Pinball Table Tournament

    Sleeper alert: Revenge of the 'Gator. Dat music!:)
  3. Bonzo

    Is the camera shot too hard?

    Exactly. You can also hit the camera from the lower right flipper by hitting the bottom of the raised upper left flipper.
  4. Bonzo

    Greetings from PA

    Welcome to the fold.
  5. Bonzo

    Build a real virtual table?

    I'd go with a ProPinball table, too. But for me it would be Big Race USA just a tiny little bit over Timeshock!
  6. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade vs. Williams Pinball Hall of Fame ??

    Downloadable Content. Add-on packs with new tables. Welcome to the fold, SoundsGood.
  7. Bonzo

    The Random Thought Thread

    Not yet. But I think it's genuinely fresh, and my uber critical girlfriend was quite impressed instantly when I told her about it on the phone. As long as I don't suck at writing, this might really become something.
  8. Bonzo

    The Random Thought Thread

    Yeah! Finally had a really (and I mean really) awesome idea for an epic storyline. See you at book fairs all over the world in 2015, I'll sign your copies of my first published novel there. :)
  9. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade now on Steam Greenlight!

    I'd have to agree with both of you. On the one hand Mike's and Ryan's interaction with us here is really great, but on the other hand FS as a company seems to miss a lot of opportunities to promote their product (e.g. no link to Greenlight on their web presence).
  10. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade now on Steam Greenlight!

    The beta test for the PC version is definitely taking place, as has been mentioned at least once here on the forum and on numerous occasions on IRC.
  11. Bonzo

    TZ: Too easy = fail

    It may be frustrating for thoses that are a lot better than the average player. But the average and even more so the - god forbid - casual players are those FS get their money from. So it's really no surprise TPA tries to boost their (*cough* my *cough*) egos. Let's hope for some kind of expert...
  12. Bonzo

    It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT

    This is really turning into a disco-mod. I lilke it a lot. :)
  13. Bonzo

    General Android question

    You may ask me that question after Santa crawled down my chimney. For now I have to rely on other Forum members' impressions: TPA seems to be great on both Nexus 7 and 10. Although the menu doesn't scale right on the 10 but that'll be fixed soon.
  14. Bonzo

    General Android question

    The Nexii use your standard store. Kindles use the Amazon store, which is something different. Therefore the two different versions.
  15. Bonzo

    The Music Video Thread

    Hell yeah, Therapy?! Did they play Opal Mantra, Nik? Love that song so much!
  16. Bonzo

    General Android question

    As long as you use the same google account, you surely will.
  17. Bonzo

    Android 1.8.0: Feedback & Discussion Nafkert may have found the reason for the table exploration problems: If you use locked view while playing, scrolling up/down seems to be impossible when having a closer look at the table via...
  18. Bonzo

    Input lag on Android

    Your phone is way more powerful than mine but I can't confirm the flipper lag issues. Does it happen all the time or only occasionally? If it's the latter, it might be caused by something happening in the background (e.g. the device checking for e-mails). Have you tried using the lower res...
  19. Bonzo

    Request Suggestion for the Table Difficulty Issues

    I have to agree 100%. I'd love to be able to have a quick game of any of the DMD and System11 tables. The way it is now only the older tables allow for that. Although I think that that supposed hard mode should first of all change the ROM settings (e.g. EBs and specials awarding points).

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