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  1. T

    PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

    Genie resembles a friday evening overtime port from an ios device. Terrible.
  2. T

    Request Random table option

    I'd rather they go back and fix the appalling port of Genie they gave us on the PS3. What a shocker that was.
  3. T

    PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

    At the rate tables come out on the PS3 your not looking at many updates in six months let alone monthly.
  4. T

    Some comments from a casual player

    That 's fine canuck but on the PS3 there's not a demo in sight past the core pack. What you get is the constant roll out music of TOTAN and a still image of the backboard to demo.
  5. T

    Request to Farsight: Stop releasing updates until you have basic testing down

    If consumers vote with their wallets and stop jumping on the DLC night train with every release perhaps the message of quality over quantity would get through. Everyone complains about this table and that table but still end up buying the new table when it becomes available. Its obvious FS...
  6. T

    Round 2 Audio Interview: Post Your Questions

    Could you ask why Harley Davidson was reproduced when there was better fruit to pick from?
  7. T

    PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

    I find I focus more on the shadow than the ball.
  8. T

    TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King (Round 1)

    So why release DLC packs with known issues if its problematic to patch at a later date on the PS3. Some of these issues have been across the board on all platforms yet the PS3 tables come at a much later date, why aren't they addressed before release.
  9. T

    Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

    Bingo. A sprinkle of jazzdust and a tinker with the engine is all it'll get and thank you very much that'll be $9.99 all over again.
  10. T

    PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

    So what you want is something resembling a 48k Spectrum game wired up to a 14" portable.
  11. T

    PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

    Not sure about ball through flipper but I do know it still flies through the table on Black Knight.
  12. T

    PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

    * New UI is the bland blurred squashed monochrome version as on Android. It looks okay on a 5" phone but on a screen 32" upwards it looks cheap. * Awful rendition of Pinball Wizard soundtrack added to main menu. Probably ripped at 128kbps by the sounds of it. * Added function to show you don't...
  13. T

    star trek: tng

    Farsight quoted Mid March, so you can add another month as they never get it right. April it is. As for Pro mode, if you have more money than sense its yours.
  14. T

    big shot in a few days... finally the wait is over!

    Harley is a clunker, why they made it beats me.
  15. T

    Two stage flippers poll

    I don't mind them, but an option to turn them off would be nice. More options the better as long as they don't come with a price tag.
  16. T

    PS3 Version 2.07 (NA) Feedback And Discussion

    ^ That old chestnut. No its not new.
  17. T

    Bug Twilight Zone Bug

    This is the problem. We shouldn't have to find a work-around. How long has this table been sat on their office desk waiting for release and it seems they haven't even played it themselves after making it. I refer to the freezing camera/game over, restart problem specifically here. I got it...
  18. T

    Lack of visual consistency

    The fact remains this is a mobile phone game first and foremost. They won't admit it but it is. And this is why some of the visuals are off kilter, out of focus, low res, pixelated, washed out - call it what you will. I have complained about it somewhere else on here but it falls on deaf...
  19. T

    Pack #5 Initial Thoughts...

    Taxi is very enjoyable perhaps a little washed out looking here and there but plays great. And then there's the spoiler of the pack, Harley Davidson. Its just not a good table to emulate in the first place. I don't think I have seen one request for this table in either the forum or facebook...
  20. T

    For the love of God! (bug frustrations)

    As much as I like this game I think it was solely intended for the IOS market. The casual pick up and play sort of person who wouldn't be hammering it long enough to come across the minor flaws and bugs. And with the transfer to consoles they just cannot produce the title polished enough to...

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