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  1. S

    DLC Release Date

    If anyone wants to know where the root cause problem with us not getting the new tables on XBOX 360 is, read this article:
  2. S

    Great article about the old Microsoft / Publisher / Developer problem...

    If anyone wants to know where the root cause problem with us not getting the new tables on XBOX 360 is, read this article:
  3. S

    Pro Pinball

    You don't need any additional tools, just go into the controls configuration, goto change controls and press the buttons on your pad instead of any key on the keyboard. Does not work with any analogue input on the pad but with any digital button... Works with TS, BRUSA and FJ on my side.
  4. S

    Get Pro Pinball "Big Race USA" for FREE!!!

    I'm quite sure, they'll not do this exclusive for the new XBox... as they will develop the new engine to do the remastered versions of the four original tables beginning with the hopefully successfull kickstarter and will release the first one of them in February...
  5. S

    Get Pro Pinball "Big Race USA" for FREE!!!

    Hey Nik, they've already announced, that they'll support XBOX 360 as well:
  6. S

    Get Pro Pinball "Big Race USA" for FREE!!!

    1. I have a 16:10 LCD screen and just told it in the menu of the monitor not to stretch the picture if it gets a 4:3 picture... 2. Just go to the options of BRUSA, change controls and press the buttons on your controller instead of keys on the keyboard...
  7. S

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On Silverball Studios' Pro Pinball: Revived & Remastered

    Get Pro Pinball "Big Race USA" for FREE!!! Just go to their Kickstarter Site and download... and please support them as well!!! Have fun!
  8. S

    Get Pro Pinball "Big Race USA" for FREE!!!

    Just go to their Kickstarter Site and download... and please support them as well!!! Have fun!
  9. S

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On Silverball Studios' Pro Pinball: Revived & Remastered

    Count me in!!! I'll support them with a fairly big amount... just to get the original 4 remastered, but with a fifth one designed by Pat Lawlor? A No-brainer!
  10. S

    Pro Pinball

    Hi Ade, really nice to hear from you, after these long years... :)
  11. S

    PC - Request Farsight, please put TPA on Steam Greenlight!

    Yes, this is great! Have a look here for more info: RockPaperShotgun Article
  12. S

    Nice Video Quick Look on Giant Bomb
  13. S

    The Official Xbox LIVE Gamertag Thread

    XBox 360 GamerTag = SloopyDE I'm in germany, so to find an appropriate time of day for competing will be a bit difficult... :-)
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    To Mike Reitmeyer: Question on influences

    Thanks for the insight, Mike... I enjoy PHOF:WC really much, so I'm glad to hear, that TPA is based and improved on that :-)
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    To Mike Reitmeyer: Question on influences

    Hi Mike, i've read you're the lead 360 programmer and also the lead pinball framework programmer. So, do you have any influences by older pinball simulations? As far I can judge it, your physics simulation is really, really good. I would compare it with Pro Pinball's physics as equal which...
  16. S

    TPA XBLA release for 360 in europe as well?

    Thanks Mike... !!! Thanks for the fast answer, and thanks for a great game and the big load of fun that comes with it! :-)
  17. S

    TPA XBLA release for 360 in europe as well?

    Hi, I just read, that the 360 release is on its way to Microsoft for certification. In that regard my question: Will TBA on 360 XBLA also available in Europe (Germany) on the same day as the US release? Thanks, Sloopy_DE

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