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  1. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    FYI...if another table is presented as a stretch goal and the goal is met, everyone that's in a tier that has TAF table as a reward will get the stretch table as well.
  2. PiN WiZ

    Table Pack #31/Halloween/Start of Season 4 Speculation Thread

    Just keep in mind that FarSight's description reads "Each month, regular updates will add on classic pinball tables for purchase." It doesn't say anything about "every four weeks."
  3. PiN WiZ

    Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.03 Master Bugs List

    Just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly and it's always my pleasure to do what I can to help enhance the overall experience of The Pinball Arcade. FarSight plans to address as many of the above bugs/issues as possible as time permits.
  4. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Just a friendly reminder for those that may have missed it.
  5. PiN WiZ

    Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.03 Master Bugs List

    I'll confirm and add it to the OP later tonight.
  6. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I'm all for having an emulated version of Sorcerer in The Pinball Arcade and if funding is needed to buy the real table and for development costs, then by all means add this as a stretch goal and I'll gladly double my pledge.
  7. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I'm going to have to kindly ask that we keep this thread focused on The Addams Family Kickstarter itself. Any further posts referencing a certain issue in the Kickstarter comments section will be deleted.
  8. PiN WiZ

    Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.03 Master Bugs List

    I've been doing some investigating on the dark look of the area in the middle of the playfield on MM. As soon as I come to a conclusion on its presentation, I'll add it to the OP. Also, not sure what you meant by "And all this without the dreaded "sound bug."", but the sound issue is listed in...
  9. PiN WiZ

    Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.03 Master Bugs List

    FlippyFloppy Added the following bugs/issues to the OP today. Main Menu / UI / All Tables Issues • Controller vibration is missing. • Scripted tables don’t have a back space for initial entry. A back space is needed just in case the user selects the incorrect initial by mistake. • When...
  10. PiN WiZ

    Why only 10 tables per year now?

    Is this what you were looking for :
  11. PiN WiZ

    No New PS3 Tables Today?

    Unfortunately, we won't see any new tables on the PS4 until late October.
  12. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    FarSight is looking at possibly releasing TAFG at a premium price to the general public after an undisclosed period of time.
  13. PiN WiZ

    Farsight Halloween Mod table (Ghostbusters)

    The original table that FarSight is releasing next month is a stand alone table and is not a part of The Pinball Arcade, which will only contain real world table recreations for the duration if its lifespan, so I really don't see how a side project of FarSight would sway you from buying any more...
  14. PiN WiZ

    Farsight Halloween Mod table (Ghostbusters)

    I believe so...which means "it's a mod". :)
  15. PiN WiZ

    Farsight Halloween Mod table (Ghostbusters)

    Would be interesting if it was this table :
  16. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    ...and the $9,000 joke pledge just got pulled, but the Kickstarter is still in good shape and on track to be fully funded.
  17. PiN WiZ

    U.S. Pinball cities

    Pinballz Arcade in Austin, Texas. Take the virtual tour below and see for yourself.
  18. PiN WiZ

    Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.03 Master Bugs List

    FlippyFloppy Added the following bugs/issues to the OP today. Main Menu / UI / All Tables Issues • Operator’s Menu Settings on all Pro Tables are not saved when you exit the table and return to the table select screen. Gorgar • The outer plunger rod spring is going into the chrome...
  19. PiN WiZ

    Android Release 1.30.10

    Just a word of advice, if you are unable to converse with other members and FarSight employees in a decent and respectful manner, please refrain from participating in betas. There is absolutely no reason for sarcastic posts in a beta thread where forum members and FarSight employees are doing...
  20. PiN WiZ

    Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.03 Master Bugs List

    The bugs and issues listed in the OP will be addressed by FarSight as time permits, so they won't all be fixed in any one particular update.

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