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  1. George Klepacz

    Android - Request Add vibration support

    I loved how the 360 controller vibrated when the genie shook your ball around on TOTAN.
  2. George Klepacz

    First DLC Tables Confirmed???

    I thought Jan meant the actual table, DLC makes a lot more sense. ;)
  3. George Klepacz

    iOS - Bug This table is unplayable on ipad1

    I agree 100% about the title not being descriptive enough. And tact is a lost art. :)
  4. George Klepacz

    Physics of Zen Pinball

    Will the console versions have better physics than the current mobile versions?
  5. George Klepacz

    iOS - Bug This table is unplayable on ipad1

    Harsh as it is, if he feels like it is unplayable on the device available to him, then I'm gald he is voicing his opinion. Farsight needs to hear all feedback both good and bad.
  6. George Klepacz

    Favorite Launch Table?

    TOTAN right now, but TOM is a close second. Haven't played much of the other two because I keep flip flopping back and forth between these two.
  7. George Klepacz

    Your favorite device/platform?

    At the moment my top choice is 360. I may also like it on PC, but I really don't game on my PC. I love having it on my Android tablet and phone so I can play it at work on breaks and lunches, or on the go. Any serious game time will be on 360 though, nothing beats playing on a big tv for...
  8. George Klepacz

    Bug Woosh sound not playing on bottom playfield

    Another related request: this sound plays when you read the instructions, but gets old after a couple of pages. And when there is over 100, that can get maddening.
  9. George Klepacz

    iOS - Bug Plunger strength inconsistent

    I'm also having this issue. Sony Tablet S. I never play Ripleys so I don't know if that table also does this.
  10. George Klepacz

    FarSight Studios representation

    Happy to see some Farsight guys here! Awesome. Just have to get the membership up here now. :)
  11. George Klepacz

    Android - Bug [FIXED] - No nudging the table by shaking device possible on Android / Galaxy S2

    You have to be rooted in order to use a PS3 controller? Or just that app? I'd love to be able to use a controller with my Sony Tablet S, but I'm not rooted and wouldn't know how to do that.
  12. George Klepacz

    Comment by 'George Klepacz' in article 'Welcome to Pinball Arcade Fans'

    Thanks for starting this forum.
  13. George Klepacz

    Request Multiball camera

    I had this problem with PHOF: WC on No Good Gofers. The automatic camera switch always made it harder for me.
  14. George Klepacz

    Early Date Info

    I have a PS3 but prefer the 360's controller plus most of my friends have Xbox so that'll be the console version I buy. I can't believe how quickly time is flying, just a little over a month away!
  15. George Klepacz

    Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection Table Rebuys?

    I will buy them all on my 360, and most if not all for Android.

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