@ mark21667 you are in unknown territory , we need to confirm if UK and US content will be cross compatible , since I run a Japanese account , few of my games are available in the US from my J account . The one game I did have in common , with a Japan version game, did not work with the Eur...
Another good one to look forward to . I liked No Good Gophers just from the name of it, and this is the first footage i've viewed and now I know I really LIKE it.
I'm not counting on the DLC date to change to Sept 5th , Sony CEA never does new stuff on wednesdays (except firmware ) , the PSN store content releases on Tuesdays 2PM pacific time , HOWEVER , this might be a freak schedule due to the holiday Labor Day , not sure why a minor holiday would...
Ok that was quite "cryptic" and it makes one think that a table no one is expecting , is the unannounced rider with pack 6 , but I came here to say it was probably a Elvira table too , BUT what you have said makes me think we are all WAYY OFF , and FarSight has scored something very suprising .
T-Minus 5 days , as much as I love the Vita's convenience , I'm more psyched to see the PS3 Monster Bash with all those plastic models of Universal's classic monsters and FINALLY some new gameplay goals and rules to learn .
Whoa 2 tables? , I did not know that , the 2008 Stern is obviously for The Crystal Skull and renewed property , I see it had Colt revolver plungers and a huge video backboard display (like a TV) . The 1993 just Indiana Jones in general good stuff! Looking at the Flyer for the Stern IJ...
Transformers Pinball - Michael Bay / Paramount Pictures / Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime) , Hugo Weaving (voice of Megatron) possibility of license good with kickstarter .
Tron Legacy/ X men Pinball - Disney Studios (Disney owns Marvel as does Sony with X men) voices/likeness of Jeff...
You can read into my statement any way you want. Fact: Sony has never lowered it's new console in the same year ever ! For potential buyers (the market) to expect Sony to lower the price (before a new model change) in the same year as it's premiere release , is unrealistic . Nintendo is paying...
all these feature suggestions are great, but remember even with a simplistic UI setup and minimal interface , they have issues getting the game to work perfectly as it is . So every time you ask about a featurre that taxes the ROM emulator program and further taxes the various processors they...
PSN= Playstation Network Store = PS3 , not really a miscommunication , Im thinking this is the critical week for a last moment announcement of delays , so far so good . The thing that kills me is Sony's stores dont update until mid afternoon , and this is by choice , when they update...
The backglass art alone you're looking at least at $25,000. in royalties for the likenesses appearing including, John Goodman, Rosie O'Donnell , Rick Moranis , Elisabeth Perkins, Halle Berry , ect .
Hanna Barbera animation was last owned by Turner Broadcasting as in Ted Turner , and the film...
I can't defend Sony for this move , not this time , it really is inexcuseable that when I switch out accounts I will have to be using a seperate memory stick for each account , DAMN THEM!
Ok, I'm going to backstep after some researching , apparently it was a maneuver to keep our PIRATE gaming...
In approximately 7 days and 5 hours from the time I write, this we will be doing the Monster Mash , and re-sampling classic Gorgar , I dont care if all the bugs from the other ports are there I'm starved for new content in this game , Two months was too long to wait , I wish we could get...
Turn on your PS Vita , hit settings and update it , you will now be able to run a large chunk of PSOne classics on the vita without remote connecting to a Ps3 .
Update is 120 MBs in size and also adds non-screen menu navigating to the Vita if you get tired of smudging the screen .
NO sign of...
It's just as well Mike , my experience is with the PS3 controller the more they vibrate the faster the battery drains out , it's also probably a good way to wear down a controller too .
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