After listening to that Hank Hill voice saying "Live to Ride, Ride to Live" over and over again, will not buy season 4 if there is a Harley Davidson table in it. I know that some tables are cross-branding but that is the worst kind.
I happened a lot when I was playing demos. Now that I have bought all the seasons it happens during challenges. I believe it has also happened during regular play when I have a high score and am waiting to add my initials, but I am not certain.
It also freezes mid-game while playing regular...
I have been having this happening;
21-002: Camera locks on plunger when multiball is started
First reported: 06 Feb 2013
Description: Starting multiball causes the camera to lock onto the plunger lane. Left flipper was functional but right flipper activated auto-plunger. Camera resumed normal...
No thank you. There already is one too many Harley Games as far as I am concerned. That Harley 3 game is just one massive cluttered mess.
Don't know how I feel about BSD. The missed floating ball is kind of a neat feature.
Yeah, that's what they were, pencil toppers. The ones on the bumpers at the bottom would jiggle as well it was a funny quality. Maybe it is just too hard to do the physics.
Nothing, I think Gorgar is great. It's a perfect example of the tables at that time. It's not cluttered, it plays smooth, it's got all the personal preferences I like in a game (plunger, drop targets, bumpers not hidden underneath ramps and toys, a cool art style and sound, no cheap videogame...
My Pinball Arcade table ratings
10 — Attack from Mars
9 — Gorgar
9 — Medieval Madness
8 — Black Rose
8 — Centaur
8 — Creature from the Black Lagoon
8 — The Machine: Bride of Pin•Bot
8 — Monster Bash
8 — Tee'd Off
8 — Whirlwind
7 — Black Knight 2000
7 — Elvira and the Party Monsters
What would have been a great play area obstructed by that stupid cue-ball and lame cue-stick gimmick. There is a lot good about this game but they really screwed the pooch with that center piece gimmick.
Also my kindle freezes a lot at the end of the game. Most of the time it just exits the program and takes me to my kindle menu but sometimes it needs to be shut down and restarted. Is there a fix for this or are they aware of it?
I have half the storage still unused to it isnt a memory issue.
Yeah, I meant jiggle or wiggle. Yeah, I get that they were not coded to do so but I wondered why because when I remember it that was the funny quality to the game. They just seem wooden in the game.
Wow, I could not disagree with some of you more. Funhouse is a below average table at best. And for those of you giving Genie, Centaur and Gorgar 1's, just go back to playing video games because you clearly are not fans of pinball.
No, they were of a rubbery material, you could actually buy them as finger puppets in toy stores, I don't remember the brand. The arms would wiggle when the bumpers were hit.
Are you not able to adjust the lighting in the room on Kindle? I saw a video where someone turned down the light in the game room so the lights would look nicer. Is that not an option on Kindle? I am not finding it on any of the menus.
Why don't the monsters on the bumpers giggle like the aliens in Attack from Mars. If I remember the original they were rubbery and giggled when the moved.
It is on sale on Kindle 99cents for the core pack and $14.99 for the first season. It doesn't say it you have to purchase it and then when it redirects you to Amazon to confirm the purchase it is for $14.99 instead of $29.99. I purchased it two days ago. Don't know if the sale is still on in...
Less flash and more classic. Give me a good classic with an open play area and some nicely placed bumpers and drop targets. If they want to license something get Bally's KISS table from 1978. There are so many of these busy flashy tables that were trying to compete with videogames and lost...
Highscore board will not update. 3 times now I have put in my initials but then not have my initials added to the scoreboard on Bride of Pinbot. :mad: I want my 4th place credit!!
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