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  1. Zorgwon

    High Scores of Tables freqently played

    Tales of the Arabian Nights 104,643,700 Scared Stiff 143,817,630 Elvira and the Party Monsters 27,132,170 Funhouse 63,926,440 Genie 883,600 Gorgar 1,073,220 N Medieval Madness 251,284,900...
  2. Zorgwon

    Is nudging an absolute necessary skill to master ?

    At least SS can be played without nudging. On Android there are the saved balls (and then autolaunched) which are dangerous and any nudging helps here. On Steam no situation where you need it. TOM is more difficult. The trunk is dangerous but nudging will not save you always. Dangerous shots...
  3. Zorgwon

    Space Shuttle - Bumpers not lit

    This is not exactly an art issue but it has to do with the looks. One of the 3 bumpers is always lit on the real SSHTL and the other 2 are usually dark. In the TPA version the burnt out bulbs need a replacement.
  4. Zorgwon

    Skill Shot Goal

    Nudging up when the ball is right of the center helps. (at least on Steam and Android). I can do it regularly for 1M points.
  5. Zorgwon

    Table Pack #23 Speculation

    You guessed it .... BEFORE the hint(s). "Black Knight" is also black but his silver iron appearance hinted at the original table. After BK being table of the month #22 Table Pack 23 will be BK2K.
  6. Zorgwon

    Bug Android Version 1.21.0 Bugs

    Only when autolaunch has started. MB is the 3rd table where this occurs.
  7. Zorgwon

    Lets Predict 2014's Table Pack

    EBD is more fun and "deluxe" ;). It's impressive how Eight Ball makes the 15 billiard balls without a drop target, though. There aren't that many similarities between the 2.
  8. Zorgwon

    Lets Predict 2014's Table Pack

    According to ipdb: 8,250 units (confirmed) That's not absolutely top. Mata Hari 16,260 units (confirmed) Firepower Williams: 17,410 units That doesn't say that much about the quality.
  9. Zorgwon

    Request Strikes and Spares

    That one would actually be newer (which I figured out later) and made my argument pointless.
  10. Zorgwon

    Request Strikes and Spares

    IIRC this is a PHOF table which would make it easy for FS. But at the moment they only make early 90s tables.
  11. Zorgwon

    Bug Android Version 1.21.0 Bugs

    Played AFM this morning Device/OS: Galaxy Tab 3 Bug Description: Launch button doesn't stop working. All new balls autolaunch, smart bombs and martian bombs don't work any longer. Tables: AFM and MM Steps To Reproduce: No idea what it triggers Frequency: ~10% of all games of AFM or MM. Longer...
  12. Zorgwon

    Would you like to see original tables?

    If they do it they should start a new app and be different from Zen. Otherwise Zen is the way to go. On my tablet their tables run 100% stable and I can turn my device as often as I want and the app respects my settings.
  13. Zorgwon

    New table price season 3

    They just doubled the price. But the current tables don't sell that well and they wouldn't sell better with a lower price. Last week was very successful for TPA, though. Participation on the leaderboards doubled at least. More than 10000 submitted a HS for TOTAN until Wednesday. BH had more...
  14. Zorgwon

    Wizard goal ideas. :)

    Scared Stiff: Collect the extra ball from the multiplier
  15. Zorgwon

    Season 3: Who Dunnit, Junk Yard and BK2K confirmed!

    It has a fairly good and balanced rule sheet. It gives more ways to play than just a single repetitive ramp shot. The rules are more skillbased than most others.The video mode is annoying and too easy to start. The new season seems to be "early 90s Bally Williams" only.
  16. Zorgwon

    Season 3: Who Dunnit, Junk Yard and BK2K confirmed!

    I would add Bad Cats to the list. The theme is funny. Diner is just Taxi. Black Rose seems impossible because that would have been an attraction and thus advertised.
  17. Zorgwon

    Request Vote for The Pinball Arcade in Google's App of the Year Poll

    Same here. The voting page had suggestions and it wasn't very obvious at the first glance that you could make your own entry. Maybe they didn't even count the entries they didn't like.
  18. Zorgwon

    Battle of the Tables - Semi Finals

    MM ToM - the most popular of TPA
  19. Zorgwon

    Really Old Pinball Tables

    That's why they are called WOODrails ;). The console players will not like it. Those tables don't require perfect ball physics.
  20. Zorgwon

    Really Old Pinball Tables

    Microsoft Pinball Arcade has some of the really old tables: Humpty Dumpty, Knock-Out and Baffle Ball. You can try a little bit and watch the ball drain. And there's also Future Pinball with some very old ones. TPA might have Aces High one...

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