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  1. Zorgwon

    Any tips for the "Land in the Secret Passage" wizard goal?

    Have it every other game. It requires a weak shot to the coffin orbit but it can also be got from a closed crate hit. It counts as a step in the Stiff-o-Meter and the ball might get stuck.
  2. Zorgwon

    Bug Is it still worthwhile to post CV bugs?

    That happens rarely on my tablet (2% frequency) but I don't think that it does really matter as long as you get your 5M points (as I do). See my other posting.
  3. Zorgwon

    Bug Gameplay Issues (Cannon Ball, Join the Circus)

    Shooting the Cannon Ball scores 250000 each time. After 5 hits the count finishes with 1,250,000 and I get a final score of either 3,500,000 or 4,950,000. 100% reproducible as long as I hit the flipper. To enter the wizard mode I only have to defeat the ringmaster 2 or 3 times. Probably it's...
  4. Zorgwon

    Bug DMD HUD persistence issues.

    It's still there and after every single game. Yesterday I couldn't change it and TPA crashed afterwards. Gesendet von meinem SM-T210 mit Tapatalk
  5. Zorgwon

    Android Version 1.19.0 Bugs

    I have another one: It seems that "The hand" on the real table is moving (at least on the youtube video). Or is that a mod? At least it would be nice to have.
  6. Zorgwon

    Class of 1812 Tips & Strategies

    Not in my games. The ball often drops dead into the same outlane. There is no free lunch here. You pay with your ball ;-)
  7. Zorgwon

    First impression

    I noticed that, too. Particularly when the balls don't clear the ramp or orbit. The ball should either drain down the middle, go to the flipper or to the corresponding slingshot. But it starts to circle on the playfield until it exactly goes into the outlane. Extra Balls from the door seem to...
  8. Zorgwon

    Balls Of Steel I liked this game very much. The tables have modes and a clear ruleset, Firestorm seems to have inspired Tough Nuts Fire Reaper although there are claims by vrpinball designers who got paid for their ideas.
  9. Zorgwon

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Fish Tales Sorcerer This is not a wish. Just my bet.
  10. Zorgwon

    Android 1.19.0 Discussion and Feedback

    The Bat-o-Meter is very difficult to advance. Even with all the multiballs I hardly get more than one. EDIT: Got the Wizard Goal today but don't know how. After collecting the extra ball the meter was on level 2.
  11. Zorgwon

    Diner is pretty racist. Think that will hurt its chances?

    AFM (German, French, Italian) , CV (the ringmaster) and also Dracula in MB have strong accents. And TOTAN is full of stereotypes ;)
  12. Zorgwon

    Are Pro versions worth it?

    I would like to play tournament rules which is possible on many tables. Unfortunately the pro versions delete the HS which I don't like, particularly when they are not on the leader boards.
  13. Zorgwon

    Android 1.19.0 Discussion and Feedback

    While playing VICTORY I noticed that there is no bonus count at the end of the ball on the display. I get points, though. It would be the first alphanumerical pinball table I played that doesn't mention the bonus at the end of the ball.
  14. Zorgwon

    Bally - Capersville

    It's similar to Big Valley which has regular flippers. But I wouldn't mind. From Future Pinball I also liked World Fair. There are many EMs with big outlanes. Central Park comes to mind but there are even bigger ones. I can't actually understand the high rating of Central Park.
  15. Zorgwon

    Android 1.19.0 Discussion and Feedback

    It's difficult to see both in cam view 2 and 3 but it can be seen. It took me some games to see that the extra ball has red light. i also have the quick drains. The ball fires out of the bumpers. Nudging improves it a bit but I have the impression that I'm only increasing the outlane drains and...
  16. Zorgwon

    Android Version 1.19.0 Bugs

    Device/OS: My Galaxy Table: CO1812 Bug Description: Replay does not provide an EB. It does knock, though. Steps To Reproduce: Get that score Frequency: 100% I guess. Additional Comments: Probably not device related. A 2nd one: 3rd initial does not show up on the display. Entry in the HS...
  17. Zorgwon

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    You probably prefer castles, saucers, trunks, genies. Well, shooting at a ringmaster is weird. ;-) I'm also suprised about the low ranking of HH considering that ist was on top of the wish list.
  18. Zorgwon

    CV ball is ridiculously floaty...

    On my Android it's fast (not slow) and light. Light balls are easier accelerated. The ball physics are similar to MB on TPA. EDIt: Yesterday I noticed the floatiness during multiball
  19. Zorgwon

    Bug Android Version 1.18.1 Bugs

    There are also misfeatures regarding the table settings on some tables: CV: The HUD-Display resets always to off after 2 or 3 balls or even less. I play actually without extra DMD. The table has an inbuilt DMD, though. GENIE: Multiplayer (number of players) will be reset to 1 after every game...
  20. Zorgwon

    Bug Drop Targets Not Resetting + No End of Ball Bonus

    Special when lit I'm aware of this (the lights and the text :)). The collected Special leads to a reset which makes the bug hard to reproduce because the targets will reset before completion. But I missed the moving(!) Special which is usually collected "on the way" because the 8 was the last...

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