UPDATE Jeff Strong And Chris Friebus TEAM UP To Take On Bobby King In ROUND 3 Of PAF's EXCLUSIVE Audio Interview Series!
This past Friday, Pinball Arcade Fans Moderator Jeff Strong and Senior Member Chris Friebus (aka shutyertrap) took a trip to Big Bear and personally met with FarSight...
This past Friday, Pinball Arcade Fans Moderator Jeff Strong and Senior Member Chris Friebus (aka shutyertrap) took a trip to Big Bear and personally met with FarSight Studios Lead Designer Bobby King for another round of Q&A addressing questions voted on by members of the Pinball Arcade Fans...
UPDATE The HIGHLY ANTICIPATED Release Of The Pinball Arcade On STEAM Is Set For November 1, 2013!!!
You've been waiting for it.... and now, FarSight is proud to announce that all Steam users will be able to purchase The Pinball Arcade for themselves on November 1st, 2013!
The Pinball Arcade...
Article: The HIGHLY ANTICIPATED Release Of The Pinball Arcade On STEAM Is Set For Nov
You can view the page at http://digitalpinballfans.com/content.php/358-The-HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED-Release-Of-The-Pinball-Arcade-On-STEAM-Is-Set-For-November-1-2013!!!
Drawken was referring to the issues he reported below which are all still present in the public release and need to be corrected.
You must be referring to what night posted.
I would also like to see more baked-in lighting and shadows on the new tables for mobile devices. The question is...does the art team have enough time to add them with the time constraints they are currently working under.
I had to use my debit card to purchase the Pro Pack. This is the first time I was unable to charge my Sprint account for a Google Play purchase (In-app or otherwise). I'll do some more investigating as I'm sure the issue may be on my end.
I agree...the last 15+ posts have nothing to do with the Table Pack 19 screenshots. Please stay on topic and hold your off-topic discussions in their proper threads.
It doesn't matter if you are selling someone else's licensed material or not, public distribution of licensed material without written consent from each and every licensor to do so is considered illegal.
Please do not create threads if they're going to be used to take direct shots at FarSight. This IS NOT constructive criticism and being Senior members, you guys know better.
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