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  1. Sean

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    Nice to see Black Knight after taking the plunge and selling my Wii Gottlieb and Williams collections. Black Knight is definitely more challenging than the Hall of Fame edition: ball is noticeably faster; especially on the upper playfield where I found it ludicrously easy to get ball locks on...
  2. Sean

    Request General Wish List Thread

    After getting the new update I really want to see per-table camera angles get some more focus. Neither of the new tables (Creature from the Black Lagoon, Black Knight - on iOS) are suited to the default. Prior to this update the only table I would change angle on was Funhouse (2 seems to be best...
  3. Sean

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    Initially I couldn't login after registering the account; now I can login, but when I tap "leaderboards" I get an error about not getting friends scores or something at Farsight. My local scores have been saved which is great, but as someone else noted Game Centre achievements aren't being...
  4. Sean

    Request Pinball Arcade Interface - Time for an overhaul?

    Tuomas has a good idea there; you could either eliminate the extra sequence of the panning camera and just start the game or have an option for a full-screen pan. Anything that's more iTunes-like is good in my book.
  5. Sean

    Comment by 'Sean' in article 'FarSight PREPS For Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter Project'

    I, on the other hand, would be thrilled with a Big Shot release - it's definitely one of my favourites. I don't think you can make an arbitrary cut-off date and say Pinball Arcade should never include a table older than year "x," though possibly nothing without flippers should make the cut (I...
  6. Sean

    UK Pinball

    Awesome site - wish I had known about it years ago! I had no clue the big HMV on Buchanan street had pinball, but it has Whitewater, Tron Legacy, Transformers and I think one other - definitely going to city centre next weekend to check it out!
  7. Sean

    Crystal Caliburn for iOS is getting closer (now out)

    I enjoy it. The flippers don't have the power that the ones in Pinball Arcade do, but that's not a knock, it's just different. Littlewing really is in a different league. I played HD Pinball on the iPhone and although those tables seemed decent on the surface they really lacked the depth and...
  8. Sean

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Kickstarter Stretch News!

    I got to play that (Judge Dredd) at the only place I've been able to find a pinball machine in Glasgow: Hong Kong Express on Sauchiehall street (owner is apparently a fan and gets tables rotated from a pinball association in Scotland). It's a good one and I'd definitely like to see it. Any clue...
  9. Sean

    Request Intro videos

    I did enjoy the narrated tours of the tables in the pinball hall of fame collections. I do think they would be nice to have in some form, even if only a link on YouTube, but I'm happy just to play the tables.
  10. Sean

    Where's the IOS Update?

    I was going to say I couldn't see buying a console just to play pinball arcade, but then the only reason I bought a wii was because I saw the Gottlieb Collection in a Woolworths catalogue and then read that a Williams collection was being worked on for wii as well. Waiting 3-1/2 years for the UK...
  11. Sean

    Where's the IOS Update?

    I think the regular updates have kept us sweet. On the off-topic topic I'm a yank expat living in Glasgow. I won't go into the multitude of Scottish regionalisms, but I do find it amusing that my relatives find it nearly impossible to follow Still Game and have to act the interpreter when I...
  12. Sean

    Just exactly what is meant to open and close the gate from the lower playfield?

    Might be worth its own topic, but I don't mind if a table doesn't play exactly like the real thing because, with few exceptions, I've never played these tables in real life or 20+ years ago. As long as they're playable I play 'em!
  13. Sean

    Where's the IOS Update?

    It's a fair point. In the case I was citing those games already supported it. I expect it will be down to whether or not it can be coded to hoover up the current crop of high scores recorded locally. I can't see why not. At that point I'll gladly drop the Facebook link as their shenanigans leave...
  14. Sean

    Where's the IOS Update?

    I disabled Gamecentre for a long time and only reactivated it when I saw pinball arcade was going to support it. In the interrum I had bought several games with Gamecentre support and they all automatically registered scores, so hopefully that will be the case here.
  15. Sean

    Round 3: Post Your Questions for Bobby King

    Yes, Jay said that in the Nintendo Life interview.
  16. Sean

    Where's the IOS Update?

    I'm very much looking forward to a bit of Black Knight, so hopefully we'll get that update within the week! Pretty cool seeing "the ox" post in this forum since this forum is how I found out Llamasoft games were available on iOS. I actually got busted at work for playing Llamatron on my desktop...
  17. Sean

    UK Pinball

    If I had found out sooner I'd definitely make the trip down. Doubt I'll attend this year, but next year I'll plan for it!
  18. Sean

    Request Pick your first choice for a classic early 80's Bally table.

    @RetroDude: count me among those who think Farsight should buck the "race to the bottom" trend in pricing for downloads. £2.99 for two digitised versions of real pinballs is a gift, really. I just paid 69p for a full release on my iPad, Fruit Ninja. It's not brilliant, but I find it difficult to...
  19. Sean

    Request Pick your first choice for a classic early 80's Bally table.

    Having seen video of Xenon it's jogged memories - love too see that as well. I honestly wouldn't mind a break from the DMD stuff in favour of more early solid state and a few EM tables, but I'm sure I'm in the minority there.
  20. Sean

    Favorite video game based table

    Defender is my all-time favourite arcade game, but I didn't even know there was a pinball version until the last year or two, so obviously I'd have to have that.

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