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  1. DanBradford

    i used TPA so much i wore the screen off my tablet

    look i had the ipad for over a year but i might still claim that i hardly use it, and see if i can get a replacement for free. otherwise i think i need a new screen, right?
  2. DanBradford

    iOS - Bug 4.4.0 Crashes on plunge, many tables

    Take a wild guess
  3. DanBradford


    When is this gonna be fixed?
  4. DanBradford

    1-6 orange lights don't turn off at game end

    oh :( what other tables were affected in the last update then, is there a place they are all listed? i am a points whore and have identified which tables to attack, and this one was my current target ..... but i don't wanna switch to another broken game. in my target zone are: Taxi, WH2O, WW...
  5. DanBradford

    1-6 orange lights don't turn off at game end

    Am I the only one with this?
  6. DanBradford

    Starship Troopers Thread

    2 then. The psychic EB seems a bit tricky to count on as it's only given 1 time in 52 attempts, so about once every 200 shots at recon 1. Thanks Sega, very generous of you.
  7. DanBradford

    UK Owners - Hiring a Table for a wedding

    even better, as that will save me from getting involved, and that guy knows what he is doing.
  8. DanBradford

    Starship Troopers Thread

    I agree with you mate, it's bobbins On the iPad I can't use the mini flipper properly and games are just quick and unsatisfying. Plus they set the goals way too high again (5 billion for the 1000 points, seriously?) I keep tilting and I don't know why. The gap between the flippers seems too...
  9. DanBradford

    Starship Troopers Thread

    Easier said than done on a tablet. I managed it a few times but often my left flipper thumb just tries to move the plunger.
  10. DanBradford

    UK Owners - Hiring a Table for a wedding

    hey thar Francis. Beaconsfield is less than an hour from me, so i'm sure i can sort you out. i have a good collection, you looking for anything in particular? also, have you found the UK's best forum for real pinball - check out we have lots of friendly chit chat and...
  11. DanBradford

    Starship Troopers Thread

    i'm rubbish at this so far, my best score (of about 20 goes) is 105M for 21 points. i'm still trying to get used to what the idea is, i didn't go through all the rules yet but i think basically shoot the coloured standups to get the numbers to zero and move to the next planet. i don't understand...
  12. DanBradford

    Firepower Tactics and Strategies

    thanks for the tip
  13. DanBradford

    Firepower Tactics and Strategies

    so...... what is a good strategy for this table then? stay up top, get F_I_R_E as much as possible, shoot only forehands? it's not really reached any consensus in this thread so far, and this game is in my sights for the next week or so.
  14. DanBradford

    First Impressions

  15. DanBradford

    Playfield art for the hobbit released

    Cool, thanks for that. Those are two fine fellows in the UK scene, first Craig Pullen and then Neil Fellender. And no, they're not father and son! Craig (sometimes uses Roadshow16 as a handle) is the current UK no 2 (behind Martin Ayub of Pinball News, who's been no 1 since records began over...
  16. DanBradford

    First Impressions

    I think he meant the rumble isn't there. Nor for me on iPhone or iPad.
  17. DanBradford

    FarSight's Twelve Days of Christmas Facebook Promo (2014)

    /sigh. if Apple is now closed then we have no alternative to this, right? can i just clarify one thing - the bit i have put between ** signs, do you mean that after i have a fully loaded free app TPA with newly bought Earthshaker on it, i then update the paid version, and erase this new free...
  18. DanBradford

    Where is this thing?

    I searched the app store and noticed they updated the free edition (icon changed and says earthshaker) but not the pay one yet. They are either half way through or they are having a brain fart.

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