Ah, thanks for the info -- and confirming that it isn't just me, the audio has issues on the PS4. Hopefully FS will look into this soon, otherwise I'm very, very pleased with TPA on PS4.
Awwww, cute kitty!
Loving it, but I am finding the audio to be a step back or something -- is it mono perhaps? Definitely lacking the punch of the PS3 tables. Isn't surround, that seems for sure.
Awesome, I think I will -- probably going to go Pro (which I've not done for PS3/PSV nor for upcoming PS4) as when I eventually build a cabinet I'll want it I'm sure.
Long-term I'll pick it up for cheap so that I have a disc-based backup in case I want to play off-line or the content servers eventually go down or whatever.
I missed this -- where was this discovered?
Any word on when we'll get cabinet support for the PC version? Was going to wait on the Steam platform until it dropped but with the discounts on seasons one and two I'm tempted to dive in now.
That makes sense (though I still hope we'll see the remaining missing tables -- Sorcerer and Jive Time, right, are all that are left?). Hopefully there is still room for EMs and non-DMD SSs in the release schedule. Time will tell, but I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming TPA year --...
100% this. So long as we continue to get a healthy mix of past and (nearly) present I'm a very happy customer. I love the old tables very much (I know I'll get laughed at this but I keep coming back to Big Shot more than any other pin) and hope they will continue to have a place in TPA.
That's exactly my worry -- that with this new model tables like Jive Time (or any less than super popular EM/SS) will be shoved aside. That's why I loved the two table format -- it let the "runts" have their time to shine.
I hope that they have many more seasons and tables planned -- there are...
Hopefully FS will let us know how many tables will be in the season when they reveal the pricing. I'll admit I'll miss the two packs if they're going that way, I'd love a EM or SS to balance out the DMDs. Hopefully they'll spend the extra resources on bugs and UI and not divert it to other...
Oh, wow, I never knew that option existed -- does it affect earlier tables too? Would possibly explain some of the difficulty I had with earlier tables and the upper flippers. I wonder why Haunted House made the behavior so obvious if so. Thanks!
Anybody noticing anything odd with the flippers on Haunted House? If I catch just the edge of the bumpers (so, left edge of left bumper, right edge of right bumper) just the primary flippers trigger. I have to squarely hit the bumper for the corresponding secondary flippers (plus primary...
Well, yeah... And I can tell once within the table by going to the high score menu. But I'd like to be able to tell if I've ever gotten a high score on a table from the table select menu -- that way I can easily (as with the standard and wizard goals) tell if I still have work to do on the...
My main beef with no trophies was that it was a convenient way to see if I had gotten a high score on the tables. The standard and wizard goals were easy as they are on the table select UI, but there is no way to see if a high score has been obtained. Would be great if they'd just add a little...
Ah, sorry, didn't get back to this until now. Thanks rob3d for the assist -- yep, I was running with post processing off. I'll start noting that in future bug reports. Thanks!
OS Version: Windows 8
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
Ram: 8GB
Version #0.009
Display Mode: Windowed
Display Resolution: 1920x1080
No HUD for Goin' Nuts (no score nor timer displayed).
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