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  1. P

    Which tables are worth buying

    honestly they are ALL worth it. considering you can't even buy a crappy fast food lunch for the price of a table, it's a steal how much effort went into and how much entertainment you get out of them. unless you're really strapped for cash, you can't go wrong purchasing every table that comes...
  2. P

    Request Performance impact of IPad notifications

    i've noticed that the game takes the same performancec hit if you click the up or down volume button on the side of the ipad. i think the performance hit may be related to the graphical overlay that pops up, as opposed to anything specific to gamecenter itself.
  3. P

    Video: Table Pack #5

    haha yes. couple days ago i fired up my Wii versions of PHOFs (gottlieb and williams) and the thing that jumped out at me immediately was how slowwwww the physics were. it was like playing in slow motion, compared to TPA. kudos to Farsight -- it's hard to notice how far they've come until you...
  4. P

    Bug iOS Version 1.1.6 Bugs and Feedback

    i reinstalled in order to get the new tables. unfortunatelly, in order to get my gamcenter HOF score to increase, i have to get all-new high scores on every machine. ughhhhhh. oh well. my local score is finally back to where my gamecenter score is, although some of my best scores (1.5...
  5. P

    More closeups?

    it's a cool idea in theory, but in practice i'm glad they've cut back, for two reasons: 1. it is a little nauseating or disorienting for the camera be constantlyswooping around, particularly during mutliball when there's tons going on, multiple toys going off at once. 2. in implementation...
  6. P

    ST:TNG Kickstarter is (now complete)!

    i'm in at the $75 level. can't wait! this is the machine i bought TPA for.
  7. P

    ST:TNG Kickstarter is (now complete)!

    hooray! i'm in for $75. this is the table i've been waiting for. love Pinball Arcade, love TNG.
  8. P

    Bug iOS Version 1.1.6 Bugs and Feedback

    - MM looks way better. nice and bright again. - MM dragon ramp still has very occasional weird ball reverse-direction thing, but not as often as before, and the ball no longer fails to go into the tower. the occasional unexpected super-speedy release to the flipper is still present, so be on...
  9. P

    iOS - Request All my purchased tables now show "Buy Now"

    i experienced some wierdness as well, but it worked itself out. patience and serenity are recommended.
  10. P

    Is The Pinball Arcade Too "Demanding" on some devices?

    yes, this. i have found that doing this to close apps instead of just hitting the "home" button drastically improves battery life and game performance. it's a really silly quirk of the IOS that it doesn't really close apps unless you force it to. a lot of times, i'll load up Pinball Arcade...
  11. P

    Request PLEASE! Remove the obnoxious "Buy" and "Owned" Splashes!

    really? if farsight doesn't instantly cater to a minor quibble from a single user then you will lose all hope for them to address major problems? seriously, take it down a notch. i voted for the second option in the name of compromise, but honestly the "owned" splash doesn't bother me. i'd...
  12. P

    So how many tables in all?

    40 to 50 seems incredibly optimistic. that's like 2+ years of non-stop monthly updates. i'd be ecstatic if that were the final count.
  13. P

    Comment by 'pezpunk' in article 'iOS Version 1.1.6 Featuring Various Bug Fixes AVAILABLE NOW!'

    yeah i actually prefer it the way it is. the table would be too easy otherwise. it adds an element of suspense and strategy. "oh the gate is open .... should i let it drain, or take my chances trying to rack up more points down here????"
  14. P

    Favorite Platform?

    whoa whoa whoa. i find this comparison completely specious. guitar hero isn't even attempting to model actual guitar playing. you are pushing colored buttons in time to a rhythm, not playing notes or chords. (not knocking the game, just saying it is not and is not trying to be a guitar...
  15. P

    Favorite Platform?

    i was number one for about a week and am #6 now ... i never bother to nudge, but that's because iPad nudging is so wonky (nudged all the time on PHOF for the Wii though). however, in "bragging" about not nudging we should probably realize we're in competition against other people who probably...
  16. P

    Getting the Multi-Ball 100 million jackpot

    yep, definitely find it's pretty repeatable if you just let the ball bounce from the right flipper to the left, then settle it briefly in the left or just take the shot. either can work.
  17. P

    Full Screen - Screen View

    nah, that's different. Pinball isn't Mortal Kombat.
  18. P

    Hall of fame scores not well balanced across tables

    you're misunderstanding. the values are static. for example, anyone who scores over, say, 3 billion on Monster Bash gets a thousand points, whether they get 3.1 billion or 5 billion, and the number of people hitting that ceiling doesn't effect where the cieling is set. ps i will mail a cookie...
  19. P

    Full Screen - Screen View

    it seems like it'd be pretty trivial to implement! a fifth top-down camera angle with no zooming. the only issue i can think of is ball launching ... i guess you would have to have a new UI element, such as a vertical slider thing on the lower right, to control the plunger. this would be...
  20. P

    Hall of fame scores not well balanced across tables

    Well, I don't think complexity is the same as thing as skill. I would argue that the skill required for a table is a function of the ratio between ball drains due to player mistakes vs drains due to bad luck. You could play Ripley's perfectly and still occasionally drain, but if your aim is...

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