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  1. P

    Hall of fame scores not well balanced across tables

    eh, i don't really think BoP is luck. it's a repeatable shot if you know how to catch and pass. it's one of the most skill-based (although shallow!) tables in the collection, in that if you can repeat the same shot 100% of the time, you can basically keep going forever.
  2. P

    Pinball skills

    nah, that wouldn't make a difference, not even if the console triggers were analog ... all the tables in pinball arcade have flippers whose state is binary -- the buttons are either pushed or not, it's not like flipper buttons are ever pressure sensitive (except on some truly ancient tables). I...
  3. P

    Black Knight bugs

    I wonder if this table was coded by some new blood. It feels significantly less polished. Oh well. CFTBL is great, at least.
  4. P

    Bug After ball launch, ball accellerates through one-way gate into roll-over lane area

    This is how one-way gates behave on all tables, and it's been that way since at least the wii. One-way gates I think are coded that way to guarantee no rollbacks or stuck balls. Certainly it's not very realistic but it could be worse. A rollback through that gate on BH would not hurt...
  5. P

    Hall of fame scores not well balanced across tables

    well, some measure of imbalance is unavoidable, but TOTAN really is way out of line. my best TOTAN score is worth 26 points while my best Monster Bash score is worth more than 500 points! Balance problems aside, though, i absolutely love having an across-the-board roll-up of performance on all...
  6. P

    iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

    Black Knight is very laggy and jerky on my iPad 2. tried rebooting the app, but not the device. no change.
  7. P

    GAME CENTER (Centre) IDs

    i'm pezpunk. at the moment i'm ranked #1 overall (lol) but obviously that will change as soon as some competent players get around to playing :)

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