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  1. Kaibun

    Version 1.50.x

    Can you guys update the UI Beta with TX-Sector, please? It's not there yet.
  2. Kaibun

    Table Pack #51 Speculation Thread

    Either Breakshot or Eight Ball Deluxe, the more pool-themed tables the merrier. I love using that custom 8-ball.
  3. Kaibun

    The Star Trek (Vengeance Premium) intro text for SPA?

    Just to make confirm here, we're getting Premiums only, no option for buying Pro's right? Because I'm ok with this, I just hope they'll let use choose when there are multiple Premium models available, such as Star Trek or AC/DC. I'd like the Enterprise and Luci ones, respectively.
  4. Kaibun

    Table Pack #51 Speculation Thread

    Oh man, such nice surprises thise season. Indy 500, one of my favorite tables, and now we're finally getting Capcom ones. Breakshot too, please. I want my season pass already, this is exciting.
  5. Kaibun

    PC - Bug Extra Ball doesn't trigger table goal

    Eh, it's a general bug. It happens in a lot of tables, not just this one. I had to get the Frenzy in Funhouse several times until I always finally awarded with the goal.
  6. Kaibun

    TX Sector - Twitch broadcast

    I've managed to win a TAF Gold on FS's stream before, so I really couldn't believe my luck yesterday. I'm over the moon here.
  7. Kaibun

    TX Sector - Twitch broadcast

    Failsight didn't even want his table, he just said 'No thanks, I don't want anything from your buggy game.'. He's just a bad troll, who I already have blocked.
  8. Kaibun

    TX Sector - Twitch broadcast

    But winning something you already own, and not giving it away to someone else, would be just plain selfish. That's not how I am.
  9. Kaibun

    TX Sector - Twitch broadcast

    They didn't reveal anything important this time, from what U could see, but I managed to get extra lucky tonight. I won a copy of the table on a giveaway on Farsight's stream, and then won again on Buffalo Pinball's stream (but I told 'em to roll again, obviously). I never expected that. Table...
  10. Kaibun

    TX Sector - Twitch broadcast

    I hope they're gonna hint for at least one thing in season 6. Maybe a little tidbit about one of the mystery tables.
  11. Kaibun

    New Stern Pinball Arcade: AC/DC Kickstarter is FULLY FUNDED!!!

    If they had done this patnership sooner, they wouldn't even need that Kickstarter in first place. That was ood. But who cares now, we're finally getting AC/DC and a dozen more Stern tables! Hooray!
  12. Kaibun

    New Stern Pinball Arcade: AC/DC Kickstarter is FULLY FUNDED!!!

    Man, that was unexpected. I'm waiting more details on what this amazing new partnership is going to bring.
  13. Kaibun

    New Stern Pinball Arcade: AC/DC Kickstarter is FULLY FUNDED!!!

    Maybe they cancelled the KS because Stern decided to cover all the costs for Farsighs themselves. ...yeah right.
  14. Kaibun

    New Stern Pinball Arcade: AC/DC Kickstarter is FULLY FUNDED!!!

    I'm still trying to figure out what the heck just happened. This whole Stern PA has been a bit of a disappointment so far for me.
  15. Kaibun

    If you had to destroy one pinball machine, which would you choose?

    Ditto. That's such an awful table.
  16. Kaibun

    A new app on the way from Stern and Farsight

    Does Stern even own the license for their older machines anymore? Man, this really got me worried on how they're gonna handle them. How often will we need Kickstarters?
  17. Kaibun

    New Stern Pinball Arcade: AC/DC Kickstarter is FULLY FUNDED!!!

    Eh, I thought Stern would back up the costs for every single one of their tables, but seems like it isn't the case for this one. Well, I'm fine if the license expired, I'll gladly help Kickstarting this one to life(it's my first time!). Leaves me a bit worried for the other music-based tables...
  18. Kaibun

    possible tables to be in Stern Pinball Arcade (SPOILER WARNING!)

    I just hope there are separete leaderboards for all the different editions this time. I'd have a good reason to go Premium. Good to know the first three tables, I'm really looking forward to some AC/DC and Star Trek. Whatever happened to that GoT they hinted at?
  19. Kaibun

    Every Pinball is Connected

    Hot dog? Junk Yard has a dog in it!
  20. Kaibun

    Alien Tables coming

    Hey, I like that one 'Choose Wisely' video mode from Indiana Jones. Something like that would've been better, yeah. But there's a lot more to these tables than it looks. There isn't a single bad one in this pack, it's gonna be hard to pick my favorite.

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