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  1. Kaibun

    Alien Tables coming

    The tables are pretty good so far. The Alien one is really nice; it has a bit of an unique layout, voices straight outta the movie (I'll never get tired of hearing 'Game over, man!') and lots of variety in the scenes. I don't get the point of the video mode, honestly. The controls are pretty bad...
  2. Kaibun

    Last Action Hero Twitchstream.....

    Maybe this table could use that an update that fixes those music problems. And adds the match sequence back in!
  3. Kaibun

    Last Action Hero Twitchstream.....

    Sounds's a bit more muffled than usual too, ain't it? Seems like they didn't do a very good job with the audio this time.
  4. Kaibun

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    Man, that match sequence is awesome. This is a real a shame, I'd like to hear the reason why they decided to skip it. Anyways, now I can safely say this is the best DE ever made. The modes are fun and varied, and there's plenty of cool multiballs, including a 6-ball one. Jurassic Park was good...
  5. Kaibun

    Table Pack #50 Speculation Thread

    So where the heck is my newsletter anyway? Well, I happen to like TX a lot, but LAH probably would've been a better season ender. I'm ok with it, either way.
  6. Kaibun

    Predict Season 6 Poll

    That's because Lloyd wanted way too much money. That probably makes the Back to the Future table easier to get, since McFly isn't depicted as Michael J. Fox, and they can just change Doc Brown's face. It would look really weird, however.
  7. Kaibun

    Predict Season 6 Poll

    Johnny Mnemonic Banzai Run Dr. Who Paragon/Sorcerer two-pack Eight Ball Deluxe Wipe Out Elektra or Strange Science (a weird, unexpected one) Swords of Fury A Nightmare On Elm Street Mousin' Around We could get Congo or the Shadow, who knows? Or a mystery table. I want to be surprised. TX-Sector...
  8. Kaibun

    Alien Tables coming

    I was hoping for a Preadator table too, that's a shame. PA already has two Schwarzenegger tables (possibly one more coming with Stern), but Zen doesn't have any. You can always use more Arnold. Still, I'm excited for this whole pack. I can't wait.
  9. Kaibun

    when will we see cabinet options?

    We'll probably never see full cabinet support in the game now that they're working with Stern. It's sad, but it's the truth.
  10. Kaibun

    Table Pack #50 Speculation Thread

    TX-Sector, I hope. I saw a video on A.G. Soccer and it actually looks pretty fun, so I wouldn't mind that one either.
  11. Kaibun

    smiley face ball lovers

    I find 'em distracting as in 'hard to play with.' It kinda ruins the whole pinball atmosphere, IMO.
  12. Kaibun

    smiley face ball lovers

    I find all the balls that aren't silver to be very distracting, so I only play with that one. I do like the pool ball though, and occasionally play with it once in a while I wish the TAF golf ball didn't make you ineligible for the leaderboards , I love that one.
  13. Kaibun

    TPA Theme Variety - What's Missing?

    Traditional sports are boring anyway, which is why No Fear is a much more exciting table. I'd love to see Indy 500 however, that's one of my favorites. We'll see a lot of music-themed tables with Stern soon, AC/DC and Metallica were the first ones to be hinted at. DE's Tommy and GnR might be a...
  14. Kaibun

    TPA Fans' Most Wanted for 2016 (Electro Mechanical)

    Yep, Kiss is definitely not an EM. And the only EM I want, Pyramid, isn't even in the list.
  15. Kaibun

    New UI is being forced on us next week!?!

    Can't they wait some more and fix the current UI bugs and control options? I'd much rather have the current table wheel.
  16. Kaibun

    Table Pack #49 Speculation Thread

    Yup, agreed. They really need to make it part of this game; it's such a great table. I hope this Sony deal is still going.
  17. Kaibun

    Table Pack #49 Speculation Thread

    Well, people already knew it was coming from quite a while ago, but since it wasn't in the leak, people weren't really expecting it this season, and we nearly forgot about it. This time I'm glad we're wrong.
  18. Kaibun

    Table Pack #49 Speculation Thread

    So we're finally getting LAH, I was wondering what happened to that table. Compared to the other options we had, this is gonna be so much better. One more Arnie table in the game!
  19. Kaibun

    What do you think is the toughest skill shot in TPA?

    Cyclone, hands down. It's the only skill shot goal I haven't managed to get yet. How do you even do it? Fish Tales as a runner up, although I've managed to pull it off a few times.
  20. Kaibun

    Scared Stiff Tactics and Strategies

    Why does this table get more tedious the longer you play it? With the other tables that give out a dozen extra balls easily, like STTNG, JD or TAF I always play all the way til the end; but after getting Monster Multiball, I'm already sick of Scared Stiff.

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