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  1. P

    I feel cheated, Free version doesn't get updated at the same time? Unbelievable!!!!

    Any news for a release date? Really bothering to wait for the free version... What is the problem?
  2. P

    Medieval Madness new lighting

    Lights not fixed with 1.1.2 :-(
  3. P

    iOS v1.1.2 changes

    I think (i hope) FS will improve this postprocessing option. Why releasing unusable patch? Framerate divided by 4, colors gone away... I Thank FS for his work anyway. Medieval madness lights haven't been fixed :-(
  4. P

    General Illumination

    I am sure that the Ipad version could improve the lightning, raising up the constrast for instance. Ripley, Funhouse, etc, are too shiny. Real tables are darker.
  5. P

    Bug iOS 5.1 - ipad3

    I was at and the Ball has disapeared somewhere in the table... :mad:
  6. P

    LAYOUT ISSUE : Flippers Are A Little Too Far Apart

    An update is coming. Today perhaps.
  7. P

    Request Please lower the brightness of the tables

    I hope they will try something.
  8. P

    Request Please lower the brightness of the tables

    You are right, physics are really not good in this game but lightning management can perhaps gives ideas to FS. Lowering brightness and add this kind of effects can be a good way to improve TPA and perhaps they can find a solution for this. I trust them!
  9. P

    Request Please lower the brightness of the tables

    I think it is possible. Here is real pinball HD
  10. P

    Request Please lower the brightness of the tables

    I posted elsewhere with the same idea. But yes, the spirit of pinball is a bit vanished without a dark environnement ;-)
  11. P

    Request Please lower the brightness of the tables

    There was an attempt with the last update of MM but lights are too dark for the moment. With darker environnement we should see lights clearly, like real tables. For instance, ripley or funhouse are really too bright. Thank you.
  12. P

    Request Day and night playing view

    In fact the idea is to have tables with a lower brightness, in order to get close to real tables. For instance, funhouse is a great table but it is too bright on ipad3. We can't clearly see the different lights.
  13. P

    TZ vs. TAF

    TAF! Of course! ;)
  14. P

    Request Day and night playing view

    Hi everybody, Hi FS studios. I think it would be very nice to choose between light on and light off in the room where tables are. Tables are really bright and it would be nice to be able to switch off the light. What about this? In the same way, I really hope for light improvement with iPad...
  15. P

    Medieval Madness new lighting

    Ipad3 is a perfect platform for such tables. iPhone is not a game machine basically. Anyway, there are millions of potential players with iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc, FS knows this.
  16. P

    Medieval Madness new lighting

    The big red lights at the top of the table (behind the castle) are never lighted on my ipad3. You too?
  17. P

    Medieval Madness new lighting

    Have you seen real pinball hd on iPad? The light management is very good.
  18. P

    Request The Addams Family (videos)

    Other solution : a gift from Farsight to us. If it is free, licensing is easier ;-)
  19. P

    Request The Addams Family (videos)

    Are there any news from the Adam's family license??? Any price?

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