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  1. L

    New table price season 3

    Especially when you consider the Pro pack, since it costs much, much less.
  2. L

    "Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Special Edition"

    Oh man, I remember watching this a few years ago. It's f***ing nuts.
  3. L

    Orbals: Farsight's Other Game

    Both Orbals and Mojo! remind me of Go Bonkers! from the Genesis version of Action 52. Fittingly enough, also by FarSight. Probably one of the few decent games on there. Still better than the NES original, though, even if it isn't as infamous as that one.
  4. L

    What else are you looking forward to on PS4?

    what when where I did not know about this! As long as it plays more like TimeSplitters 2 than Future Perfect, I am hyped!
  5. L

    Orbals: Farsight's Other Game

    It's one thing I've always said: pinball is definitely FarSight's forte. Now, I haven't played Mojo! so I dunno how good it is, but I have played other games they did (Game Party 3 and that PSP Scarface game come to mind) and the quality was... quite varied. Scarface is honestly not a bad game...
  6. L

    Season 3: Who Dunnit, Junk Yard and BK2K confirmed!

    I did know that TPA was on PS4 demo units, but not that there actually was a PS4 demo disk. It is rather surprising seeing it there, tho, since it's generally Zen that's more popular. But hey, pretty cool anyway!
  7. L

    It's Fish Tales!!!!! (and Season 3 discussion)

    Is it? It doesn't seem to appear in my case, and it's still on version 1.20.4 for me. I did see the Season Three packs, though.
  8. L

    Worst Video Mode Ever

    Yeah, me too. Seriously, up until one day where I decided to read the instructions, I thought you were supposed to avoid running over people rather than actually running them over. Really odd.
  9. L

    Hidden table modes and other fun stuff

    Yup, on the PC version. Never tried it on the Android one, tho.
  10. L

    Single table releases - are they going to be the new normal?

    I do wonder what exactly their next non-TPA project will be. And also if it's gonna be any good.
  11. L

    Which of the TPA pins have you played the actual physical table?

    Heh. To clarify, though: I had said that, out of all of the pins that were on TPA when I had made the post, the only one I had played IRL was Twilight Zone. Again, I did play plenty other pinballs throughout my childhood. Also, I doubt Taito Brazil's machines saw a release over here anyway.
  12. L

    Joke: Kids, don't touch gold

    Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, DuckTales, Darkwing Duck, and El Dorado somehow. What a crossover.
  13. L

    Which of the TPA pins have you played the actual physical table?

    Went to an arcade a few blocks from the school I go to, to see what they had. And surprisingly, they had four pinball machines, two of them (Monster Bash and Medieval Madness) being on TPA (the other two were SMB and Earthshaker!) (SMB was the one in the best condition, followed by...
  14. L

    Request [iOS] [Android] Increase the audio compression bit rate for better-quality audio

    It's probably using an Intel Integrated Graphics chipset. Which is weird since in my case it runs at 60FPS and it's a Core i3 laptop, with 4GB RAM, and the graphics chipset's 32MB. ...admittedly, I do run it at low-to-mid settings (800x600 fullscreen, low ball reflections, 4x AA) but still.
  15. L

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    I honestly thank The Soup for even making me aware of such movies, really. I still think the best one was that one with the assistant responding to "if you catch my drift" with the awesomely hammy "that... I do, sir", even moreso when one Soup special actually got the actor to say that. And it...
  16. L

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Oh yeah... it did suck that one didn't see much support. Hell, the last pack was supposed to have one more game, Sunset Riders, yet it never came out. ...Venetian Blinds. I was assuming you were somehow meaning Game Party, since IIRC they did have air hockey on them... at least the first one did.
  17. L

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    If you're referring to Game Party, I played the third one on Wii out of curiosity, and it was bad too. Thinking about it, that one didn't even have air hockey for some reason, even though the previous ones did. I will admit this, the only good thing about that game was unlocking the Sektor...
  18. L

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Or hell, it could be both Fish Tales and TFTC. I still want it to be two tables per pack, dammit. :(
  19. L

    Save game?

    In the case of Virtual Console stuff, the Operations Manual for the VC games say that copying or moving the file essentially deletes the "resume point".

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