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  1. Michael Taylor

    Pinball in Philadelphia, PA?

    I'll do that then :) I'm hoping they do still, I'm not exactly a Star Trek or an Avatar Fan UPDATE: I called them earlier today and all they have for Pins are Star Trek and Avatar
  2. Michael Taylor

    Pinball in Philadelphia, PA?

    Do you know if they still have Rocky & Bullwinkle or not?
  3. Michael Taylor

    RBION Music Download?

    Hey There I was wondering if they is a site for where I can download the music from RBION as some if it's pretty good (Mainly the Main Theme and Europe and Asia Themes)? Thanks in Advance
  4. Michael Taylor

    TNT Amusements vs. Gameroom Collectibles

    GRC I like due to the Gameplay videos, but TNT Amusements I like more because of the nostalgia of the 2002 Infomercial I used to watch every Midnight EST for when I can, it's what also encouraged me to get PHoF: Williams on Wii and recently, some TPA tables on my Phone :)
  5. Michael Taylor

    What's your favourite table you know will never come to TPA?

    That would be awesome, especially since FunHouse is a good machine 😊
  6. Michael Taylor

    What's your favourite table you know will never come to TPA?

    Yeah, but even the smallest licensing issues can be a hurdle to get through, I'm not sure of Carlene Carter would allow the porting to happen due to her being the voice of Red
  7. Michael Taylor

    What's your favourite table you know will never come to TPA?

    After watching YouTube videos of the actual machine being played (and probably won't happen due to licensing issues) but I'd LOVE to see Red and Ted's Road Show to go along with Funhouse :)
  8. Michael Taylor

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    That's good then, Otherwise I prefer Williams or Bally tables more, I just like TO mainly because of Gunther, but to most people, they are right, Bud and Buzz in NGG are better ANYDAY 😊
  9. Michael Taylor

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    Well, I didn't think that mentioning TO made some people angry, I apologize for that, I was only giving my two cents was all 😓
  10. Michael Taylor

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    Well, I think Tee'd Off and Lights, Camera, Action! are pretty good too (though I only own the former)
  11. Michael Taylor

    Android - Bug Game doesn't start after 2nd Time or More

    Hello Folks I've been playing No Good Gofers a wee bit since I recently bought it for my Android Phone and sometimes when I try to play again (mainly to randomize the name calling) after playing a game, the game wouldn't start and this happens to me at random, it can happen from the 2nd Time to...
  12. Michael Taylor

    TPA Control by Wiimote?

    Hello There I was wondering if it's possible to play TPA on Android with using a Wiimote as the controller rather than your fingers as I'm getting a little annoyed on how constantly I press the Back Button while I'm trying to flip :p
  13. Michael Taylor

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    I'm usually on the chat from time-to-time, I'm cybertails on it due to that being the nick I had reserved on Freenode for a WHILE now
  14. Michael Taylor

    Summer Movies

    To be honest, I haven't been to a movie theater for a WHILE now (The last one I saw was in 2011 with Pokemon White - Victini and Zekrom) but if it counts, I bought the Blu-Ray Combo Pack of Frozen earlier this month and I thought it was a nice movie, not deserving of it's hype everyone goes gaga...
  15. Michael Taylor

    Favorite Rudy line?

    Anything for when he calls you "Bucko"
  16. Michael Taylor

    Android - Bug Ghost Ball Goof

    I recently was playing ToTAN on my phone and this goof happened:
  17. Michael Taylor

    Pinball in Philadelphia, PA?

    Thanks for that, I found an Arcade that MAY have a couple of tables, I might give them a call tomorrow and see 😊
  18. Michael Taylor

    Pinball in Philadelphia, PA?

    I appreciate the reply, but 2 hrs. each way is a little too much just to play Pinball, I don't drive either, I take Public Transportation for my trips and according to Google Maps, it takes 2 hrs. each way xD
  19. Michael Taylor

    Pinball in Philadelphia, PA?

    Hey There I was wondering if they're are any places in the Philadelphia, PA area that ACTUALLY have a Pin still instead of any modern Arcade Games?
  20. Michael Taylor

    PC - Bug WHO Dunnit issues.

    Same deal here too, it doesn't detract from how fun the game is, but it's a little irritating Running Stock Android 4.1.2 on a ZTE Sonata 4G

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